New research by Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has revealed the challenges faced by those Scots who use oil to heat their homes. A quarter of households in the Highlands and Islands use oil heating, while the figure for Scotland as a whole is 6%.
A new medium term financial framework for Scotland’s health and social care has been welcomed by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). In a statement to parliament, health secretary Jeane Freeman said that the document sets out the twin approach of investment and refor
Millennials are chasing the home ownership dream at the potential cost of a lower income in retirement, new research from Prudential shows. Over a third (35%) of millennials say they prioritise saving for a deposit on a home instead of their retirement.
Blandine Damtse, from Knightswood, has set up Afrobean Echos, the first news website aimed at the African-Caribbean community in Scotland A GHA tenant has created the first news website aimed at the African-Caribbean community in Scotland.
Martin Armstrong As Universal Credit continues to roll out across Scotland’s biggest city, Wheatley chief executive Martin Armstrong explains how the housing, care and property-management group is preparing tenants in Glasgow and beyond for the challenges it presents.
Jillian Moffat Jillian Moffat has been appointed chair of the Board of River Clyde Homes at its Annual General Meeting last week following the retirement of Albert Henderson MBE who had held the position since 2015.
The new homes in Dougrie Drive A development by Glasgow Housing Association of 130 homes for social rent in Castlemilk has been hailed as the best in Scotland.
Aileen Campbell MSP An organisation that supports asylum seekers in Glasgow is to benefit from extra funding from the Scottish Government in light of recent eviction proposals.
The Rock Trust Sleep Out in 1993 Having celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2016, Edinburgh-based youth homelessness charity the Rock Trust has cause for further celebration in 2018.
Claire Frew Claire Frew, policy & impact manager at the Glasgow Homelessness Network, blogs ahead of the Annual Homelessness Conference 2018.
Dougrie Court tenants Margaret Hanratty, James Constant and Anne Thomson A ‘Meet the Neighbours’ event has given older tenants who have moved into new-build homes the chance to get together, make new friends and lay the foundations of a flourishing community.
Water Row in Govan Glasgow City Council has outlined the ongoing success of the regeneration of Central Govan, with investment of around £90 million since 2006, and plans for the area's future.
Prime Minister Theresa May has announced the abolition of a cap on what local authorities in England can borrow to build houses. In her keynote speech to the Conservative party conference yesterday, Mrs May said the move shows her commitment to help fix the housing crisis.
Orkney Islands Council is seeking views for its draft 'Empty Homes Strategy 2018-2023', which aims to sets out the ways in which the council can help Orkney's empty home owners to bring their properties back into use. Orkney currently has 303 potential homes currently classed as empty, representing
Residents and businesses in Edinburgh are being asked for their views as part of 10-week public engagement developing a four-year strategy to meet the changing demands of the city and its services. With almost five months to go before the Capital's 2019/20 budget is set, the City of Edinburgh Counci