Communities will benefit from a share of £1.75 million to increase the numbers of people involved in making decisions about investment in their local areas. In 2017/18 the Community Choices Fund helped over 70,000 people vote for the things that matter to them in their community.
Brunton Design has received formal instruction from its client to make an application for planning approval for its mixed-use development on Dundee’s Marketgait. Under the plans for the prominent city centre location, the £6 million development will deliver 43 residential units as well as shops a
Lower income households and older generations will be hardest hit as bank branch and ATM closures threaten to strip them of vital access to cash, as more in these groups use cash more frequently than average, according to research from consumer champion Which?. The organisation’s survey found over
The transfer of engagements from Antonine Housing Association to Caledonia Housing Association took place on October 1 following approval being granted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The transfer means that Caledonia is now responsible for the homes and services that were provided previou
Housing minister Kevin Stewart (left) and LAR chair Andrew Robertson Housing minister Kevin Stewart MSP has officially opened LAR Housing Trust’s first ever design and build development.
Margaret Vass, Rural Stirling Housing Association chairperson The recent AGM of Rural Stirling Housing Association (RSHA) reported on several developments and successes over the previous 12 months.
(from left) Kingdom technical services manager Bryan Livingstone, Kingdom tenant participation officer Max Scotto and Guardbridge tenant Peter Gibson with Freuchie tenants Liz McGlashan and Rose Duncan Kingdom Housing Association tenants are advising the Association on its current review of new kitc
TPAS Scotland chief executive Lesley Baird addresses the conference Dumfries & Galloway Housing Partnership’s 2018 Tenant Conference took place last week with around 150 people in attendance at the Easterbrook Hall in Dumfries.
Lee Ridley performing at the Blackwood AGM Britain’s Got Talent winner Lee Ridley has paid tribute to the ‘important’ work carried out by housing and care specialists Blackwood.
The ng homes concierge team The concierge team at ng homes have raised a total of £6,657 since 2013 through scrap metal recycling at the Association’s multi-storey flats.
West Whitlawburn Housing Co-operative (WWHC) has congratulated its staff members Grant Clayton, Dave Kinloch and Joanna Pawlakowska who took part in The Great Scottish Run half marathon last month. The team had been training hard to try and beat their target and time from last year. They were runnin
The Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee will meet today as it examines housing adaptations for disabled people, elderly and veterans.
Midlothian Council has agreed to progress with plans to convert an office building in Jarnac Court, Dalkeith, into temporary accommodation for homeless households following the conclusion of a consultation with the local community. Housing officers held a drop in event for local residents to find ou
Scottish Land & Estates has said that agricultural landlords will work constructively with the Scottish Government and others to improve housing stock on tenanted farms. Cabinet secretary Fergus Ewing and housing minister Kevin Stewart held a summit on the issue with industry stakeholder bodies
Drum’s future vision for Leith Walk Drum Property Group has revealed high levels of public support for its planning application which is set to transform Stead’s Place, near the foot of Leith Walk.