Harbour Gateway at Edinburgh's Western Harbour Hart Builders has been shortlisted for a trio of awards at the Scottish Procurement Awards.
Jim McCormick The City of Edinburgh Council has appointed an independent chair to lead a new commission which will shine a light on and recommend ways to address poverty in the capital.
2018 Community Benefit award winner Dunfermline Carnegie Library & Galleries The search is on to find Scotland’s standout built projects which are having a significant positive impact on their local communities following the opening of entries for the RICS Awards 2019, Scotland.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has ended its statutory intervention at Ferguslie Park Housing Association following a period of “significant progress”. The Regulator initially made a statutory appointment of a manager and three appointees to the governing body in February 2016 after it identifie
(from left) Stephen Hay (clerk of works at Hanover Scotland), Mark Farey (director of asset management at Hanover Scotland), Tom Leggeat (managing director at Springfield Properties Group Partnerships), Councillor Graham Leadbitter and Councillor Louise Laing A new social housing development at Ston
Glasgow has become the first city in the UK to form an Alliance to help tackle homelessness. The city's Health & Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP) will recruit partners to work with them over the next seven to 10 years to transform Glasgow's homelessness services.
Christina McKelvie MSP (left) meets Queens Cross tenant Margaret Dalzell at a Health & Wellbeing workshop, part of the Association’s activities programme Queens Cross Housing Association’s new Older People’s Service (OPS) is helping reduce pressure on more costly health and social care ser
The busy AGM at Maryhill Maryhill Housing is to deliver one hundred new homes as the Association presses ahead with its biggest housebuilding programme in years, members were told at its Annual General Meeting.
Highland Residential Ltd wins the Residential Sales Team of the Year Albyn Housing Society has received three shortlist nominations for the CIH Scotland Excellence Awards as its subsidiary scooped a Herald Property Award for its work to bring affordable, quality property services to Highland communi
Mayor Uel Mackin alongside David Burns A housing professional who has been employed in housing teams across Scotland over the past 25 years has been appointed as the new chief executive at Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council in Northern Ireland.
Daniel and Patricia Staff from housing associations were part of a team of 33 who took part on the Great Scottish Run 10k on Sunday to raise much needed funds for Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK).
Charitable organisations across Britain are being urged to get their applications ready as £2.5 million of funding becomes available in the next round of the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme. Energy Saving Trust, which was appointed by Ofgem to manage distribution of the funds to eligible c
CCG’s expert planned maintenance Asset Management division has commenced a second contract with Drumchapel Housing Co-operative. Located on Southdeen Road, around 60 properties are set to benefit from brand new bathrooms and UPVC windows.
The new First Tier Tribunal centre Govan Law Centre (GLC) has secured a First Tier Tribunal housing benefit appeal for almost £10,000 on behalf of a former homeowner in Glasgow who was facing eviction.
More than 1,300 homes were built on sites of at least five homes in Fife during 2017/18, the region’s latest housing survey has revealed. The figure in the Fife Housing Survey is the same number of homes as in the previous year, and the joint highest total since the global economic crisis of 2008.