Ewen Kerr, Andrew Christie and Sharon Smith of Who Cares? Scotland with South Lanarkshire Council’s Matthew McNulty, Annette Finnan and Alison Akremi South Lanarkshire Council’s housing and technical resources team recently threw its support behind Scottish Housing Day 2018.
Link Group Ltd is celebrating this week having been reaccredited Stage Two in the Investors in Diversity award. The reaccreditation has been awarded by the National Centre for Diversity, which aims to advance fairness for all in the workplace by helping organisations to embed best Equality, Diversit
Paula Guthrie Tenants in Glasgow will have the chance to put renting questions to industry experts at a tenant conference at the Renfield St. Stephens Church Centre on October 13.
Bob Doris MSP Dundee is to be the focus of a visit by MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s social security committee investigating the issue of in-work poverty and how the social security system impacts on those in-work but experiencing low income.
CALA Homes has submitted a planning application to Aberdeen City Council for a development at 22 King’s Gate. The application outlines a proposal for the creation of 49 one and two bedroom apartments.
(from left) Jane Francis, co-director at Inverkeithing Arts Initiative; Calum Kippen, Kingdom Housing Association governance manager; Bill Banks, Kingdom Housing Association chief executive; Leanna Tanner; Mary Farrell, co-director at Inverkeithing Arts Initiative A young Fife photographer has launc
A Scottish charity and its clan of tartan-clad walkers took to the streets of Edinburgh to conquer the Kiltwalk, raising more than £2,000 to help improve the lives of those most vulnerable and isolated in the community. This is the second year running LinkLiving has taken part in the popular fundra
Annie Macfarlane Annie Macfarlane has been elected to the position of chairperson of Govanhill Housing Association following the retirement of John McLardie who stood down at the Annual General Meeting this month.
The content for the proposed next Strategic Development Plan (SDP), which sets out the vision for long-term planning development in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, has been agreed by both councils. A consultation on the proposed plan will soon be available for local communities and interested parties to
(from left) Councillor Kenny McLean, city convener for neighbourhoods, housing and public realm at Glasgow City Council; Margaret McIntyre, chairperson of Southside Housing Association; tenant Myra Thompson; Paul Hush, development officer at Southside Housing Association and Gavin Taylor, managing d
Eleanor Rooke Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) has appointed Eleanor Rooke as its new finance director.
A series of measures which could potentially see up to 136 job losses have been agreed by Moray Council in a bid to make up a £12 million shortfall in income in the next financial year. Despite saving £43m over the last 10 years, the local au is predicting a £12m shortfall during 2019/20 will nee
Hart Builders is inviting potential partners to a special ‘Meet the Buyer’ event at Borders College next week as it embarks on a programme to deliver around 500 new homes with Eildon Housing Association and Berwickshire Housing Association. To help to deliver these new homes, the Cruden Group me
(from left) Group chief executive David Bennett, group chair Jonathan Lander and chief financial officer Craig Moule Sanctuary Group has announced David Bennett’s decision to retire as group chief executive at the end of the year.
David Orr In another blog marking his time as chief executive of the National Housing Federation, David Orr explores the role politics has played in the story of the housing association sector.