Riccardo Giovanacci A Scottish letting company is warning landlords of the limited time scale for their letting agent to apply for letting agent registration and calling for guarantees that regulation in the letting market is adequately policed to crackdown on unlawful letting agents.
A planning application has been lodged with Glasgow City Council for a housing development on the site of a former school in Drumchapel. Cruden Estates want to build 48 properties on land at Katewell Avenue, where Cleddans Primary School used to stand.
The Scottish Government is on track to meet its target of delivering 50,000 affordable homes over the duration of this Parliament, according to statistics in two newly published reports. Figures in the Housing Statistics Annual Key Trends report show an increase of 745 homes (4%) across all sectors,
(from left) Cllr Bill Lobban, Lorna Cottam, Cllr Muriel Cockburn with Della and Tavish (front) Highland Council has taken delivery of 10 new houses in Grantown on Spey and this week local councillors Bill Lobban and Muriel Cockburn paid a visit to welcome Lorna Cottam and her two children to their n
Councillors have approved a spending programme for the latest £3.25 million phase of an external wall insulation programme in Dundee. Work at Broughty Ferry and Craigiebank will cover the homes of both council tenants and owner occupiers at another 415 properties.
Designs from the Aberdeen City Centre Masterplan Aberdeen City Council has placed a moratorium on affordable housing contributions from developers as part of a series of efforts to increase the number of city centre homes.
Melville welfare benefits advisers Jacquie Mather and Andrew Collinge Melville Housing Association’s award-winning welfare benefits advice service is celebrating another hugely successful year during which it helped struggling tenants access over three quarters of a million pounds while achieving
Last year 21,290 people were helped by Shelter Scotland’s housing advice & support services. Adam Balfour explains that's why the charity needs help now more than ever. (Last) week we published Shelter Scotland’s annual Impact Report for 2017/18. As Scotland’s national housing and homeless
Jeannie Gallacher and Carol Parker Two Fife women have been honoured for their combined 40 years of service with Bield Housing & Care at this year’s annual general meeting.
Carole Mackie Developers are adapting to the needs of first time buyers who are now responsible for over 50% of all new residential mortgages issued across the UK, according to new research by Savills.
An innovative system that helps to tackle the behaviour of men convicted of domestic abuse while supporting victims is being rolled out in Dundee. Councillors were told this week that the Scottish Government has pledged £666,276 up to the end of 2020 to implement the Caledonian system to
Smart meters from Our Power have been rolled in the Outer Hebrides with further installations scheduled to take place in the coming weeks. Around eight installations were carried out in South Uist with plans to install 24 more meters in Lewis by the end of September.
Mulligan Fencing is a large-scale supply & installation fencing contractor for all types of fencing projects across the UK & Ireland.
(from left) Assistant finance manager Tracey Jordon, chair Freya Lees, PA to the chief executive Lesley Proudfoot, housing officer Susan Lowden and chief executive Bill Banks Staff who have worked at Kingdom Housing Association for 20, 25 and 30 years have received long service awards at the Associa
The ongoing revitalisation of Glasgow’s waterfront is poised to take a major step forward with the submission of a detailed planning application for a 500-apartment build-to-rent development on the banks of the Clyde. The project at Central Quay on the Broomielaw is being led by investor, develope