Marie Conway A Glasgow woman has been commended for her 15 years of service with Bield at this year’s annual general meeting.
Scotland continues to outperform the rest of the UK in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, but successful strategies for energy and waste mask a lack of progress in other parts of the Scottish economy, a new report has concluded. The Committee on Climate Change’s (CCC) 2018 Progress Report to t
A programme of external wall insulation carried out by Dundee City Council has been recognised with a series of awards. At the Energy Efficiency Awards held in Birmingham, the local authority won the Council of the Year Award and second place for the Insulation and Fabric Project.
Stirling Council has approved £85,000 of funding to improve broadband access for rural communities. The Balquhidder Community Broadband (BCB) project will receive £70,000, while £15,000 will be allocated to Argaty and Kilbryde.
Fiona MacKenzie from Starter Packs Inverclyde with Heather Mitchell and June Glancy River Clyde Homes has confirmed its long standing support and partnership with an Inverclyde charity which has been providing an invaluable service to people setting up a new home for 16 years.
London’s largest housing association L&Q is set to end the use of Fixed Term Tenancies (FTTs) and instead offer open-ended assured tenancies as its preferred tenure type in a move set to provide greater security to its residents. The association will also move 8,500 existing fixed term ten
Avant Homes Scotland managing director David Knight (left) and Falkirk West MSP Michael Matheson A new starter home range by Scottish homebuilder Avant Homes has been welcomed by Michael Matheson MSP as a successful example of young people being supported onto the property ladder, as it revealed nea
Graeme Brown More people than ever before have been helped with bad housing and homelessness issues with young adults and private renters still bearing the brunt of Scotland’s housing crisis, Shelter Scotland has revealed.
(from left) chairperson James Knowles, vice chairperson John Fraser and treasurer Jenny Greener New office bearers have been appointed at Langstane Housing Association as the RSL held its 40th Annual General Meeting this week.
Incoming chair Helen Barclay and outgoing chair Jim Craigie James Craigie has retired from the role of chairman at independent living provider Abbeyfield Scotland after a decade of dedicated service on the Board.
Councillor Sandra Macdonald at the site of a new affordable housing development Aberdeen City Council has agreed funding plans for hundreds of affordable housing over the next five years and has also mapped out priorities and actions on housing supply, homelessness, housing support and fuel poverty.
Larke Adger West Granton Housing Co-operative (WGHC) chairperson Lorna Brown has announced the appointment of Larke Adger as its new CEO.
Mary O'Connell, housing development officer (right) chats with Viola Jones (left) and Donna McCutcheon at the Open Day Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) opened its doors on September 19 to celebrate Scottish Housing Day, inviting its tenants along to find out more about how the organisation
Lee Ridley performing at the Blackwood AGM Britain’s Got Talent winner Lee Ridley has performed a special show to help promote the work one of Scotland’s leading providers of care and specialist housing for people with disabilities.
Scottish Borders Council is to explore the potential of merging with NHS Borders to create a single public authority for the region. The proposals would see the combined council and health board take charge of 9,000 staff and more than £400m in public funding.