SBHA’s Neighbourhood Teams have the flexibility to respond to local needs Scottish Borders Housing Association’s (SBHA) commitment to people development has been recognised with a Silver accreditation award from Investors in People.
Donna Manson Highland Council has appointed the current service director for children and young people in the Scottish Borders as its new chief executive.
A ‘supported lodgings’ model must be introduced in Scotland to urgently address youth homelessness and reduce reliance on hostel and B&B accommodation, a new report has found. While levels of youth homelessness have been falling in recent years in Scotland, 16-24 year olds remain heavily ove
Ruth Bowen An Edinburgh volunteer development manager is set to be commended for her 15 years of service with Bield Housing & Care at this year’s annual general meeting.
'Lost Voice Guy' Lee Ridley - Image credit: Steve Ullathorne Edinburgh-based housing and care provider Blackwood is putting a fun and engaging twist on its annual general meeting with an escape room.
Springfield Properties executive chairman, Sandy Adam Housebuilder Springfield Properties said it is confident of delivering continued strong growth in line with market expectations after reporting a sharp rise in sales and profits.
Plans have been refused for a residential development on the site of the former whisky bottling plant in Dundee. Persimmon Homes had applied for planning approval in principle to build 90 affordable homes on the area which was formerly occupied by the Stewarts Cream of the Barley whisky bottling pla
The Caley Building in Peterhead The regeneration of a listed historic building in the Peterhead Central Conservation Area has been selected to go forward as a finalist for a prestigious Scottish property award.
Major new research into Scottish landscape conservation policies has found that communities are being excluded from participating in development decisions that affect the areas they live in.
The next steps of a £1.87 million investment in Renfrewshire's green spaces and villages are set to be considered as part of a continued drive to empower local community groups and residents. Councillors will consider a report at the upcoming Leadership Board which outlines the key objectives and t
Callum Chomczuk Callum Chomczuk has been appointed as the new national director for the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland.
Shaun Smith Albyn Housing Society has announced a series of changes to its Board of Management.
People in the UK were ten times more likely to die from a cold home than a road accident during last winter’s cold snap due to poor planning and a lack of national resources, two energy charities have warned. National Energy Action (NEA) and Energy Action Scotland (EAS) said the severe weather bro
The misconception that social housing is lower quality than other tenures is still held among many Scots, a new survey has revealed. A poll commissioned for Scottish Housing Day shows that, despite having the most stretching standards of any type of housing, only 13% of Scots think that social housi
Proposed legislation which sets a new target relating to the eradication of fuel poverty is to be examined by the Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee. The Fuel Poverty (Target, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill sets a target of no more than 5% of households livi