Dave Roy Kingdom has pledged its support for Gas Safety Week (17th-23rd September 2018) and will be passing on important information to tenants and customers to raise awareness about the importance of gas safety.
Langstane Housing Association has been judged as welcome and “very helpful” by a group of North East tenants and residents. In February 2018, NETRALT (North East Tenants, Residents and Landlords Together) launched a mystery shopping exercise across ten social housing providers operating in the N
Michael Cameron Scottish Housing Regulator chief executive Michael Cameron provides an update on meeting stakeholders to discuss the new regulatory framework.
Staff at a homeless project have been praised for helping residents recover from drug and alcohol addictions and get back on their feet. Officers from the Care Inspectorate carried out an unannounced inspection at the block in Ashton View, Dumbarton last month.
Victoria Smith A surprising number of Scottish tenants don’t know their rights when it comes to claiming back their deposits and that they could be losing out on money, according to the largest survey of its kind.
Members of the public are being invited to have their say in a major new consultation about how people want the heart of Scotland's capital to look, feel and function. From today, the eight-week consultation on the City of Edinburgh Council's Consultation Hub will bring together three linked placema
The new executive team at Glasgow West Housing Association Glasgow West Housing Association has celebrated its 40th anniversary with the retiral of its chief executive and the appointment of a new executive team.
The 25th anniversary of Molendinar Park Housing Association (MPHA) was marked this week at its AGM which saw three new members were elected to the management committee. Held on Tuesday night at the Tron Theatre in Glasgow, the 25th anniversary AGM was hailed as a fantastic night, well attended by sh
Work is now under way on a £3.6 million project to build new homes for North Ayrshire Council in Irvine. A special groundbreaking ceremony was held on Thursday at Dickson Drive to mark the official start of construction work to build 24 new modern and energy-efficient homes.
Bruce Crawford MSP opening Forth’s new business and enterprise hub Bruce Crawford MSP joined tenants and community members last weekend to help Forth Housing Association mark the opening of the Kildean Business & Enterprise Hub.
The awards recognise community champions who have gone above and beyond to improve the community and services The search to find north west Glasgow’s local heroes has been narrowed as Queens Cross Housing Association revealed the finalists for its Pride of Queens Cross Awards 2018.
A model of one of the 1960s lodging houses which played a formative role in the beginning of Langstane Housing Association will be put on display next week to celebrate Scottish Housing Day. Often places of last resort with conditions less than satisfactory, the lodging houses and night shelters wer
CIH senior policy adviser John Perry takes a more detailed look at the background to the recent Serco contract issues in relation to accommodation for asylum seekers. Despite all the fuss about migration levels, the numbers applying for asylum in the UK are at historically low levels. They ran at ov
Homes set for the Johnstone Castle development Homes, schools and public buildings across Renfrewshire will soon benefit from major refurbishment and maintenance works after energy, services and regeneration specialist ENGIE won multiple contracts across the area.
Debbie King Following Shelter Scotland’s reception at the Scottish Parliament this week, Debbie King writes all about the event and explains why the charity is still fighting.