Revised plans to transform a former Edinburgh high school into housing have been given the green light. The City of Edinburgh Council’s development management sub-committee granted CALA Homes permission for 104 flats to be built at the former Boroughmuir High School as well as a new tenement block
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has reiterated its call for the suspension of the Right to Buy after new government figures revealed more homes were again sold under the policy than were replaced. Figures released yesterday by the ministry of housing, communities and local government have r
Image credit: Tracy Lundie Tenants at a Greenock retirement development have shown a strong sense of community by collecting donations for a local food drive.
Canonmills Gardens Around 350 flats are to be delivered across two sites in Edinburgh after developers secured more than £40 million in loans.
Kevin Stewart MSP Housing minister Kevin Stewart blogs about the latest meeting of the Homelessness Prevention and Strategy Group.
The team behind the proposed EuroPark development, located on the M8 corridor in North Lanarkshire, have unwrapped their vision for the brand new green at heart community in the form of a new website and video. EuroPark’s online launch comes as the initial planning submission is considered by Nort
Tenants and staff from a Bield retirement housing development in Dundee have taken a trip down memory lane thanks to a local film about childhood teddies. Five tenants and two members of staff from Strathmartine Court have shared treasured memories about their favourite cuddly toys as part of a seri
A Glasgow pensioner has revealed her biggest secrets to a long and happy life, after reaching the ripe old age of 102. Bield tenant Jean Revie, who celebrated her birthday earlier this month, believes that a can-do attitude teamed with laughter and friendship are the main ingredients to hitting the
The structured finance team at Rettie & Co has delivered its second mid market rent (MMR) development at Edinburgh’s Western Harbour with more than 3,000 people applying for the 138 homes on offer. Forth Ports’ Harbour Gateway MMR project, part of the Western Harbour in Edinburgh, of
House prices in Scotland have continued to increase and may grow by almost 20% during the next four years, according to two separate reports. The August 2018 Residential Market Survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) found that a net balance of 7% more chartered surveyors rep
By Gavin Leask from the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership The mornings are getting colder, the nights longer and the clothes woollier. Which can only mean one thing; the annual Scottish Empty Homes Conference is approaching fast. And with the conference, comes another annual event; the Howdens Scotti
North Glasgow’s Young Green Champions launched a climate change challenging comic book on Monday 10th September at an event at Keppoch Campus in order to help highlight the dangers of climate change. The creative project was facilitated by ng homes in partnership with Dekko Comics. The initiative
An additional £35 million in benefits has been generated for local residents by North Lanarkshire Council’s financial inclusion service. The service works with residents to ensure they receive all the benefits they are entitled to.
The first phase of a major expansion of an East Lothian village has taken shape and residents are delighted with their spacious new homes. Dunedin Canmore’s 44 energy-efficient houses in Wallyford are part of a wider regeneration project which will see almost 1500 new homes, new primary and second
Work is set to start on a major new development for Osprey Housing in Aberdeenshire. The project in Stonehaven has been given the go ahead following a successful planning appeal, with Osprey taking a total of 43 properties at the Stewart Milne Homes site.