A site has been identified for a new housing development in the Sandown area of Nairn. It will form part of the Highland Council's plan to deliver 2500 new affordable homes over a five-year period.
Councillor Robert Mooney meets some of Wheatley’s new Modern Apprentices, along with Cllr Frank McAveety, who also popped by to meet the young people Young people with disabilities are taking their first step on the career ladder thanks to a commitment by Wheatley Group to tackle exclusion in its
Older people in Stirling have been boosting their health in the great outdoors thanks to a partnership between Bield and Scotland’s walking charity. The housing provider and Paths for All have seen tenants at Strathallan Court benefit physically and mentally from joining a walking group, which tak
The Castlemilk youngsters get to grips with their new books watched by a life-size Peter Rabbit Castlemilk youngsters have booked their place in a brand new reading initiative thanks to Dolly Parton and two local housing associations.
Stephen Tucker Professionals across the Scottish property, architecture and planning sectors are highly sceptical of any future impact of the Planning (Scotland) Bill - according to a survey conducted by planning and design consultancy Barton Willmore.
Housing Options Scotland is celebrating a successful bid for funding from Nationwide Building Society to help older people in Scotland to live independently for longer. The £50,000 grant from the UK’s biggest building society will support the organisation in partnership with Elderly Accommodation
With just one week to go until Scottish Housing Day, CIH Scotland has provided a short round up of some of the key events that it has got lined up to mark the day. CIH Scotland and partners are gearing up for this year’s Scottish Housing Day which takes place in just one week’s time on Wednesday
Carnegie Library Coatbridge’s Carnegie Library has been shortlisted for the Scottish Awards for Quality in Planning 2018.
CIH Scotland has confirmed the appointment of three new board members. Joining the board are Sandra McLeod of River Clyde Homes, Phillip Morrison-Gale from Hjaltland Housing Association and housing consultant Graeme Hamilton. These appointments take place after the CIH AGM which will be held later t
Douglas McLeod Barratt Developments Scotland is to deliver more than 2,500 new homes across the country following its acquisition of 14 new sites for development, with another 10 new sites in the pipeline.
Six additional sites have been secured for North Lanarkshire's new housebuilding programme. The sites could provide over 400 new homes and are located in Burnhall Place/Mossburn Street, Wishaw, McArthur Avenue, Glenmavis, Laburnum Road, Viewpark, former Columba High School in Coatbridge, Northburn P
A pioneering project to prevent and resolve homelessness among young care leavers in Scotland has been awarded £50,000 funding to expand its reach. The Nationwide Building Society shortlisted a number of projects, asking members to vote online for the winners of a series of community grants.
People across Scotland who want to build their own homes will now be able to apply to a £4 million self-build loan fund. Self-build is a traditional form of housing supply in many parts of rural Scotland and the islands and at times, the only form of housing supply. However, it has become increasin
Work being undertaken to bring Aberdeenshire Council properties back into use was discussed at the latest meeting of the local authority’s communities committee. The matter was raised as part of an update on housing performance highlighting the latest figures for re-let times for homes, and the wo
An intrepid team of eleven fitness enthusiasts from employment law, HR and health & safety specialists Law At Work (LAW) took on the Rough Runner challenge to raise awareness and thousands of pounds for two homeless charities. In total, £2,225 was raised for Streetwork in Edinburgh and Lodging