Jil Dyson Housing advice charity Housing Options Scotland has hired a new housing options broker following a £50,000 funding boost from Nationwide Building Society.
No Wrong Door - Annual Homelessness Conference 2018 9 October 2018, Glasgow City Chambers
Kevin Stewart Letting agents in Scotland are being reminded to join a new register, designed as part of a range of measures to raise standards across the private rented sector.
New chairman Dave Alexander shaking hands with departing chairman Trevor Burrows The chairman of Eildon Housing Association has stepped down at its 45th AGM after four years at the helm of the association.
Michael Cameron The Scottish Housing Regulator has said its proposals for its new regulatory framework will aim to support RSL governing body members, recognising their important role and unique contribution to the sector.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYy3Nw4kgE0 A new website has been launched to help disabled people in Dundee and Angus live independently.
Work to deliver 43 affordable homes for Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) at Ten Brunswick Road is ahead of schedule.
David Orr The National Housing Federation (NHF) has praised the UK government for taking action against for-profit housing providers describing themselves as "housing associations".
A private housing development which will include 22 new homes for East Kilbride Housing Association (EKHA) has been approved by South Lanarkshire Council.
Rhonda Leith (left) and Margaret Scott cut the cake Ayrshire Housing celebrated its fifteenth birthday at its annual general meeting on Wednesday.
Paul Kelly North Lanarkshire Council tenants with financial concerns are being urged to seek advice through the council’s money advice service.
Pamela Humphries North Lanarkshire Council’s ground-breaking scheme to buy homes on the open sale market is going from strength to strength.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfRc90GehYs Edinburgh-based Prospect Community Housing Association has released a film celebrating its 30th anniversary.
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