Shettleston Housing Association (SHA) has submitted a planning application for 40 new homes on the former site of St Mark's Primary School on Muiryfauld Drive. The development would involve a mix of cottage flats, semi-detached homes, townhouses and flats designed by architects Anderson Bell Christi
HouseMark Scotland has launched an updated version of the Scottish Social Housing Charter interactive comparison tool, using the annual return data published by the Scottish Housing Regulator. Available across the sector, the tool allows users to view social landlords’ performance over five ye
GHA’s older tenants are getting their hands dirty in a gardening competition to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Glasgow Garden Festival.
Tenants at a Buckhaven housing development have been taken on a trip down memory lane at an event dedicated to all things from the past.
River Clyde Homes has announced the continued transformation of Broomhill Court, a tower block in Greenock, since its designation as retirement living accommodation.
FMD Financial Services Ltd has announced the passing of their colleague Rhona Joss, who was well known in the social housing sector. Ms Joss was the longest serving member of FMD, having started to work with the company in May 1993.
Marisa Mundt Glen Oaks Housing Association has issued the following statement on the passing of long-serving Board member Marisa Mundt.
Kieran Findlay, editor of Scottish Housing News and Scottish Construction Now, has set off on a 154 kilometre walk along the world famous West Highland Way to raise money for charity.
John Swinney The vast majority of Scottish households are satisfied with their housing, with a majority saying that they're "very satisfied", according to new Scottish Government figures.
A new programme funded by the Scottish Government has been launched to support tenants and landlords with tenant participation. The free Next Steps programme is aimed at housing organisations across Scotland and will help tenants and landlords review current tenant participation and scrutiny practic
A study by mental health charity Mind has found that one in three social housing tenants with mental health problems in England are dissatisfied with where they live. More than two in five (43 per cent) of social housing tenants with mental health problems have seen their mental health deteriorate a
Photo by Richard Newton Photography Employees from housebuilder Campion Homes, which has delivered over 200 affordable homes in the past year, will be taking part in Scotland's biggest cycling event this weekend.
A group of women from Glasgow’s East End, most of whom are signed up to Thenue Housing's volunteering initiative, are to have their creative writing showcased on stage. Wildfire Theatre Company in Glasgow has been working with the emerging women writers, supported with funding from Creative East E
The Existing Homes Alliance has described the Scottish Government's new Fuel Poverty Bill as a "once-in-a-generation opportunity" to achieve warm homes for all. The Alliance welcomed the commitment in yesterday's Programme for Government to tackling fuel poverty, in particular trhough the Fuel Pover
Helen Moore The Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF) has written to Housing Minister Kevin Stewart to raise the alarm over a "recent trend" of community-based housing associations being taken over by larger regional or national associations following statutory interventi