Esh completed work on a key social housing project for Scottish Borders Housing Association in Hawick last June Esh Construction is to reduce its activities in Scotland as part of an efficiency drive which has resulted in 17 redundancies north of the Border.
Changes to Moray Council’s housing allocations policy are being proposed following the introduction of new housing legislation. The allocations policy is in place to prioritise applicants for housing, based on their circumstances and level of need. As well as changes required by the Housing (Scotl
The Highland Council has adopted a new Local Development Plan for Caithness and Sutherland. The Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan (CaSPlan) will replace the previous plans and will immediately be used to guide decisions on planning applications.
African Challenge Scotland’s Multicultural Music Festival took place in Glasgow last month, with ng homes once again playing a key role. The housing association helped facilitate the annual event which was held at the Boathouse in Springburn Park Community Village.
Rita Carroll, Alice Cathie and Irene Bishop A close knit group of tenants at a Midlothian retirement development have teamed up with Police Scotland to create cuddly toys to help youngsters bear with traumatic events.
Free support is available for landlords and tenants to develop their tenant participation strategy thanks to a Scottish Government-funded programme.
Perth and Kinross Council has approved plans for a major expansion of the region’s biggest town. Stewart Milne Homes North’s plan for 117 homes across 14 acres of land off Maple Place in Blairgowrie was backed by the council’s planning and development committee.
Cruden first year apprentice bricklayer Andrew Wilson Cruden Group has continued to demonstrate its commitment to developing Scotland’s young workforce and bridging the skills gap within the construction industry as it welcomes this year’s intake of 25 new apprentices.
CCG Asset Management has commenced a new contract to replace kitchens and renew boilers for Spire View Housing Association. Covering originally 47 kitchen replacements and 48 boiler renewals, works will be undertaken to a suite of properties in the Roystonhill area of Glasgow delivered within a 5 we
(from left) Back Row: Paul Thomson, apprentice plumber; Ian Dickson, Lord Dean of the Guild; Lord Provost; Graham Paterson; Deacon Convenor Dr Alistair Dorward and Jonny Donnelly, heating and ventilation engineerFront Row: Martin McGarvie, machine operator RSBi; Ashley Brodie, electrician; Shareece
The first phase of Cassiltoun Housing Association’s ambitious development plans will achieve a site start this month. The Association will complete 42 new homes on three sites known as ‘Barlia 3’. The development will consist of a mixture of general needs, wheelchair adaptable and amenity elde
Fife Council has reassured its tenants that cladding on its high-rise buildings is safe after an investigation found that some buildings do not meet the recommendations of Scottish Government fire safety experts. A working group appointed by the government in the wake of the Grenfell tragedy in June
(from left) Bill Banks, Michaela Aydin, Lynn Russell, Bea Farmer, Jim Tolson, Norah Smith, Urszula Gryz and Shona Laird A group of Kingdom Support and Care staff were presented with their SVQ certificates last week by Kingdom’s chief executive Bill Banks at a buffet lunch in Kingdom premises.
Scotland’s public spending watchdog has highlighted the strong performance and significant progress made by West Dunbartonshire Council. A representative from Audit Scotland spoke at a council meeting last week where the results of the Accounts Commission’s Best Value audit of the local authorit
Dr Graham Paterson, executive director of City Building Glasgow construction firm City Building has returned £8.7 million to its partners Glasgow City Council and Wheatley Group which will be reinvested in public services and social housing across the city.