A fly-through has been released which showcases a development of 562 new homes next to the River Clyde by Link Group and Laurel Homes.
John Blackwood Scotland’s largest landlord organisation has reported a sharp surge in membership as large and small scale landlords seek to understand and implement the raft of new regulations governing the private rented sector (PRS).
Residents of Eastern View A brand new community room in Gourock’s only high rise, Eastern View, was officially opened last week and is already a hit with residents.
An innovative housing scheme to support young people as they leave care has been nominated for an award. The Leaving Care Housing Protocol scheme means youngsters who have been looked after by West Dunbartonshire Council are provided with additional support and secure tenancies when they become old
George Walker Scottish social landlords continue to show strong performance across most of the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter, a new Scottish Housing Regulator report has found.
David McCready Barrhead Housing Association held its 32nd AGM at the Foundry this week and elected a new chairperson, vice chairperson and sub group conveners.
Bield Housing & Care has officially launched its newest Edinburgh development, providing affordable accommodation for more than 100 people. The housing provider cut the ribbon on its Fleming Place development this week at a ceremony attended by staff, tenants and members of the community.
A refreshed joint strategy has been launched between the Scottish Government and COSLA which champions independent living for older people within their community. The initiative will also help older people understand how their housing choices will impact on their lives as they age.
Stewart Carruth The chief executive of Stirling Council has resigned from the position effective from today.
People begging in Glasgow city centre will be helped to apply for benefits by a new roving digital inclusion officer, the local authority has announced. Equipped with a tablet computer, the new digital specialist will work on the streets alongside the Simon Community Scotland’s Street Team – hel
A stunning mural depicting the mother of Glasgow’s patron saint and whom Thenue Housing is named after has been revealed. This week the Association welcomed the unveiling of the mural not far from the city centre which shows St Thenue cradling and nursing her infant son.
Mandy Catterall By Mandy Catterall, Scottish Property Federation
Cranbrook in Devon. Image courtesy of NHS England Developers and housing associations have signed up to an NHS England initiative which will see them design neighbourhoods which push a healthy agenda.
John Montague, managing director of group operations at The Big Issue; cabinet secretary for communities and local government Aileen Campbell and Kieran Daly, Big Issue Invest manager for Scotland Cabinet secretary for communities and local government Aileen Campbell joined a celebratory event held
Frightened Rabbit on stage at last year's event Sleep in the Park organisers Social Bite and Unique Events have unveiled more details of the event which hopes to see 12,000 people sleep-out in four cities around Scotland in December and raise £6 million.