Loan provider Wonga has placed itself into administration with Grant Thornton appointed to take over the controversial business which has been brought down by caps on the interest it can charge and the spiralling cost of a flood of compensation claims brought against it because of past misconduct. T
A team of industry professionals are joining RICS Scotland next week as they walk 154km from Milngavie to Fort William along the world famous West Highland Way. The ‘West Highland Way Warriors’ will undertake the challenge over just five days as they raise money for property industry charity Lan
Wilma Strang A care worker has resigned from her position as vice-chair at Wellhouse Housing Association after being struck off by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) for assaulting an elderly resident at a care home.
Bryan Wilson A new £15 million housing development on part of Peel Park on the outskirts of East Kilbride has been given planning consent by South Lanarkshire Council.
(from left) Iain Sutherland (bid director of Robertson Northern), Colin Wright (senior project manager at Robertson Northern), Stephen Hay (clerk of works at Hanover Scotland), Richard Lochhead MSP and Mike Martin (chair of Hanover Scotland) A new social housing development for older people at Spyni
Dundee City Council has unveiled plans to develop around 35 new social let homes on the site of a block of flats set for demolition. Local authority architect Ray Low told a meeting of North East Local Community Planning Partnership that the new homes will be built at Murrayfield Drive and Murrayfie
As CIH Scotland submits evidence to the Scottish Parliament's social security committee, policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell takes a look at some of the current problems with Universal Credit. In 2010 the Coalition Government unveiled plans that would shake the foundations of the welfare sta
Proposals for a mixed used development at Govan’s Graving Docks have been refused by council planners. ZM Architecture and developer New City Vision, which owns the site, unveiled plans in March last year to bring the site back into use after 40 years of dereliction with the creation of 750 homes
Ayrshire Housing is supporting this year’s Ayrshire Doors Open Day. The association has given a grant to the organisers, the Kyle and Carrick Civic Society, to purchase ten more banners to advertise the growing number of venues.
Some of Fife’s finest were treated to a fun-filled afternoon last week as the Fife Housing Association Alliance hosted a free afternoon tea for their older tenants. In an effort to help tackle the loneliness and isolation often experienced by our senior citizens, tenants of Fife Housing Group, Kin
Before and after the installations
Gheila Galbraith, sales consultant for Mactaggart & Mickel Homes, with Kirsty Aitken, service manager for Children 1st Ayrshire and members of her team The Ayrshire Family Support team of Scotland’s national children’s charity Children 1st has received a donation of £1,000 from housebuilder
RICS, as part of its Pledge 150 campaign, has joined forces with Social Bite’s Sleep in the Park to help reduce homelessness among young people in Scotland. Corporate teams and RICS members can now take part in any of the Sleep in the Park events, across Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and Aberdeen wit
Annie Mauger Even the lowest private rents are now out of reach for people on low incomes – putting thousands at increased risk of homelessness, the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has found.
An artist's impression of the previously approved Dunbeg masterplan A major development of 300 affordable homes in Dunbeg has been approved by Argyll and Bute Council’s planning committee.