Planning and design consultancy Barton Willmore is are urging planners and developers to have their say and complete a survey to help influence the Planning (Scotland) Bill. Barton Willmore, who recently expanded its operation in Scotland with the opening of an office in the centre of Glasgow, have
Jon Stinson and Julio Bros Williamson, research fellows in the Institute for Sustainable Construction at Edinburgh Napier University, believe that smarter, better, faster – homes built in a factory benefit everyone. The methods we use to build homes in the UK are constantly evolving.
Argyll and Bute Council’s housing services team brought a total of 55 empty homes back into use last year – double the annual target. The team’s successes were highlighted at last week’s community services committee meeting.
Housebuilder Mactaggart & Mickel Homes has been given planning permission to build an exclusive development of six bespoke properties on the site of the former Whitecraigs bowling club in Giffnock. Due to begin on site in Autumn next year, the showpiece of the development will be the former ‘a
Before and after: 96 St Leonard’s Road in Ayr had fallen into disrepair after the previous owner moved away An awards ceremony which recognises the work being done in the battle to bring Scotland’s 37,000 privately-owned long-term empty homes back into use is calling for nominations from across
East Kilbride The proposed East Kilbride Community Growth Area (CGA) has received a funding boost from the £1.13 billion Glasgow City Region City Deal.
Cllr Susan Aitken, Peter Martin of Sanctuary and Cllr Angus Millar at the regenerated Anderston A masterplan to create hundreds of affordable homes in central Glasgow has been completed by housing provider Sanctuary.
Representatives from DGHP, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Dumfries and Galloway Police, contractors Ashleigh and the architect and design team Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership (DGHP) chairman, Robert Higgins, visited the latest housing development at Palmerston View this week.
Ewan Aitken Edinburgh homelessness prevention charity Cyrenians has announced a five-year partnership with the city’s central business improvement district Essential Edinburgh.
The bus outside Thenue’s London Road office Thenue Housing welcomed an unusual guest this week in the form of a white double decker bus.
The ground has been officially broken at Cessnock Road in Hurlford, where East Ayrshire Council’s strategic partner CCG (Scotland) Ltd is building a new assisted living development. The development, which will be similar to the award winning Lilyhill Gardens development in the centre of Kilmarnock
Youth homelessness charity Rock Trust has announced the full line-up for speakers at its annual conference in September, and this year the spotlight will be on new research and evidence of successful strategies for preventing and ending youth homelessness. Dr Beth Watts, senior research fellow at I-
Energy provider Scottish Power is to increase dual fuel energy prices for those on its standard variable tariff by 3.7%. This is Scottish Power's second price rise this year, with dual fuel prices rising by 5.5% on 1 June. It follows Ofgem's decision to increase the level of their Safeguard tariff.
Older residents of Sunnart Street sheltered housing had their gardening SOS answered thanks to Craigneuk Tenants and Residents Association, who recruited budding young volunteers from a local holiday club to take up the call to action. Around 10 children, aged 5-16, attending the local summer play s
The completion of work on Cube’s new homes at Liddesdale Road, Milton is marked by council leader, Councillor Susan Aitken The regeneration of a Glasgow community has taken another step forward with the opening of 70 smart new Cube Housing Association homes.