The performance and progress of Perth & Kinross Council’s housing and environment service is to be presented to councillors this week in a report which also sets out some objectives for the next 12 months. The local authority’s Business Management Improvement Plan (BMIP) will be presented to
A further consultation event is being held on the revised proposals for more than 50 new affordable homes in Kirkintilloch. Locals are being welcomed to find out more about the plans and offer their opinions at the event.
Victoria Smith Landlords in Scotland are being urged to make sure they register their tenants’ deposits correctly during the busiest month for new rentals.
The Scottish Government needs to set out a ‘route map’ of how it intends to persuade Scots to change their consumer behaviour if it wants to meet its targets on climate change, according to Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS). While lending its support to the government’s targets, which include a p
Applications are open for individuals in the private and third sectors to join the Regional Enterprise Council (REC) for the Edinburgh and South-East Scotland City Region Deal. The City Region Deal is a £1.3 billion investment over the next 15 years that aims to accelerate economic growth and creat
The amount of space house buyers get for their money in different parts of the country has been considered in a new report from the Bank of Scotland. Instead of defining homes by the numbers of rooms, the study measures property by the price per square metre.
Solicitors and immigration advisors in the Shetlands will have an opportunity to attend a free briefing session on “EU Citizens' Rights” in Lerwick next month, on September 4. The session will feature talks by two experts on Brexit and immigration law, David Brown (head of immigration, Drummond
Planning to update your kitchen? Keen to extend your home?
Glasgow Sheriff Court. Image: StreetView A housing officer who stole more than £51,000 from two elderly tenants while working for a housing association has been jailed for 16 months.
Calvay Housing Association has announced the appointment of Nick Dangerfield as its new director following the retirement of previous director, Michael Dawson. The Association recorded its thanks to Michael for his commitment over the last 18 years and wished him well in his retirement.
First Minister opening the development A ceremony to open Govanhill Housing Association’s new development on the site of the former Our Lady of Consolation RC Church in Inglefield Street was attended on Friday by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and other elected representatives.
Almost half of people made homeless in Scotland due to rent arrears in the last year lived in the private rented sector (PRS), new analysis has shown. A total of 46% of homelessness applications were made due to either rent arrears or defaulting on payments come from the PRS, despite private-rented
A public hearing is to be held over plans to build more than 300 council homes in Aberdeen before councillors can make a decision on whether to grant the proposals planning permission. First Endeavour submitted a proposal of application notice to Aberdeen City Council to build 302 council flats over
(from left) Back row – Bill Banks (Kingdom CEO), Sonny Fox, Brett Mulligan, Ryan Reekie, Lorna Jaffrey (Purvis Group), Vicky Keith (employability officer, Fife Works) and Lynne Dunn (Fife Works manager). Bottom Row – Ramsey Paterson, David Stewart, Ryan Campbell, Michael Murrison, Kyle Malcolm,
Throughout the school summer holidays, Partick Housing Association delivered a free Football Feast programme of children’s football training with lunch included. Sessions were held weekly and were available for children aged 8 to 11.