Ewan Aitken Edinburgh homelessness prevention charity Cyrenians has announced a five-year partnership with the city’s central business improvement district Essential Edinburgh.
The bus outside Thenue’s London Road office Thenue Housing welcomed an unusual guest this week in the form of a white double decker bus.
The ground has been officially broken at Cessnock Road in Hurlford, where East Ayrshire Council’s strategic partner CCG (Scotland) Ltd is building a new assisted living development. The development, which will be similar to the award winning Lilyhill Gardens development in the centre of Kilmarnock
Youth homelessness charity Rock Trust has announced the full line-up for speakers at its annual conference in September, and this year the spotlight will be on new research and evidence of successful strategies for preventing and ending youth homelessness. Dr Beth Watts, senior research fellow at I-
Energy provider Scottish Power is to increase dual fuel energy prices for those on its standard variable tariff by 3.7%. This is Scottish Power's second price rise this year, with dual fuel prices rising by 5.5% on 1 June. It follows Ofgem's decision to increase the level of their Safeguard tariff.
Older residents of Sunnart Street sheltered housing had their gardening SOS answered thanks to Craigneuk Tenants and Residents Association, who recruited budding young volunteers from a local holiday club to take up the call to action. Around 10 children, aged 5-16, attending the local summer play s
The completion of work on Cube’s new homes at Liddesdale Road, Milton is marked by council leader, Councillor Susan Aitken The regeneration of a Glasgow community has taken another step forward with the opening of 70 smart new Cube Housing Association homes.
A designed for the successful integration of new families moving into Hawthorn Housing Co-operative homes Lintel Trust has approved £60,000 worth of funds from the Scottish Procurement Alliance’s (SPA) Community Benefit Fund for six local community projects.
Some members of the Netherholm Area Association outside the new hall The Netherholm community in Castlemilk has celebrated its long-awaited showpiece hall as a brand new £1 million hub designed to bring the community together finally opened its doors this month.
East Lothian Housing Association (ELHA) has officially left Wonderland and has entered the space age – only to find that the universe itself needs saving. However, fuelled up with Power Pellets and equipped with an array of laser based weapons, it looks like everything is in hand.
Yvonne Duncan and Dave Roy with the Trauma Teddies Kingdom Housing Association staff have been busy knitting in their spare time after receiving a request from Fife police for 'Trauma Teddies' to help comfort small children in trying circumstances.
The famous Glasgow Grannies, who danced their way into people’s hearts across the world recently with an impromptu shimmy in the Merchant City, want to use their newfound fame to do something good for the community. ng homes tenant Edith McAtear and dance partners Sadie Henderson and Flora McFadye
Frank at his celebration lunch Maryhill Housing said a very happy birthday last week to its oldest resident.
Families in Glasgow enjoyed a packed programme of free summer activities organised by West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA). WSHA’s Meet, Eat and Play Programme was delivered with funding from Glasgow City Council’s, Holiday Hunger Programme in the North East and West of Glasgow, with an e
Refreshed designs for the next phase of housing at Lethington Gardens – part of the wider Letham Mains development to the west of Haddington, East Lothian – have been given the green light. Planners have approved an application from Mactaggart & Mickel Homes for 60 properties for private sal