More than 250 Melville Housing Association households are to receive new kitchens over the next 12 months as part of a major £2.7 million investment programme, one of the largest upgrades to tenants’ homes in recent years. This latest phase in Melville’s kitchen replacement drive means that ove
A report highlighting the importance of social landlords meeting the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter for Gypsy/Travellers has been published by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The Regulator’s report underlines the recommendations for landlords it set out in its themat
Fuel companies will no longer be able to charge bills for gas and electricity that was used more than twelve months earlier under new rules outlined by energy regulator Ofgem. Backbills can result from problems with a supplier’s billing system, or from suppliers estimating bills until they have an
Gilven House Fife Council is to step in to protect homeless services at Gilven House in Glenrothes after a charity revealed that it is to withdraw from providing funding to the project.
Thomas Gilmour with his medal A 94-year-old Linlithgow pensioner has been awarded one of the highest military honours by the French government.
Proposed view from North Deeside Road Detailed plans have been lodged to develop more than 100 new homes on the site of a disused papermill plot in Aberdeen.
David Knight, Avant Homes Scotland managing director Stirling-based housebuilder Avant Homes Scotland has secured three new development opportunities in the past 15 months, which will create up to 180 sales, construction and sub-contractor jobs in the region.
Debbie Welch & Richard Hepburn Land and property search firm Millar & Bryce has opened a new office in Central Glasgow to support its expansion plans and continued development in the West of Scotland.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has continued the statutory appointment of a manager and governing body members at Antonine Housing Association for another six month period. In March 2016, Antonine commissioned an independent investigation which found it had persistently failed to comply with importa
The statutory appointment of a manager and governing body members at Arklet Housing Association is to continue until the end of December 2018, the Scottish Housing Regulator has announced. Intervention at the Association began in February 2017 when the Regulator used its statutory powers to “addre
Community-based housing associations have come to the fore to ensure vulnerable people in their community were able to cope with the impact of the heavy snowfall, according to the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF). As the ‘Beast from the East’ swept over the UK br
Moray Council is on track to build more than 220 affordable homes by 2020, the local authority has revealed. The target is to build 70 each financial year between 2017 and 2020, and Moray Council is looking to exceed this by creating affordable homes in Forres, Buckie, Elgin and Keith.
Perth & Kinross Council’s Homeless Housing Support Service has been graded as ‘excellent following an audit by the Care Inspectorate. An unannounced inspection of the service was carried out by the watchdog on January 23 and 24 as inspectors focused on two themes - Quality of Care and Suppor
Phionna McInnes from MeToo! Magazine delivers a motivational talk Langstane Housing Association’s senior management team expressed their heartfelt thanks to all the staff and Board of Management members who participated in the recent away day.
Stirlingshire locals are being encouraged to help senior citizens spread their wings by volunteering their time at Bield’s housing developments in the Stirling area. Allan Park House in Stirling, Greenacre Court in Bannockburn and Strathallan Court in Bridge of Allan, are currently looking for vol