
21541-21555 of 28376 Articles
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Housing associations in Scotland could be subject to Freedom of Information (FOI) laws from April 2019, subject to a parliamentary vote, it has been announced. Confirming a draft order to extend coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to Registered Social Landlords yesterday, mini

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The latest blog from the Scottish Cities Alliance has focussed on its work with the European Housing Partnership to deliver affordable housing. Scottish Cities Alliance continues to play an important role in the European Housing Partnership (EHP), which met recently over two days at the UN Palais de

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Peter Steele recently met with 11 housing associations across Glasgow over the course of a week. Some of the key themes and challenges they face are highlighted in Mobysoft's latest blog. The impact of Universal Credit has been felt by Scottish RSLs (Registered Social Landlords) and other institutio

21541-21555 of 28376 Articles