In its continuing drive to tackle poverty and inequality, Wellhouse Housing Association has applied a renewed effort on income advice which has resulted in significant gains for its tenants. Through its adviser Pamela Bowie, the Association has secured financial gains of over £1 million in 2017 for
George Fraser, chief executive of Tulloch Homes, outside another development in Inverness Proposals for 767 new homes in Inverness look set to be granted planning permission by councillors next week.
Communities secretary Angela Constance and COSLA President Councillor Alison Evison visit Leith Theatre to launch the Local Governance Review A Local Governance Review has been launched to allow communities to have their say on how more decisions can be taken at a local level.
CCG Asset Management has commenced a new contract with Abronhill Housing Association to install new bathrooms at 15 properties in Cumbernauld. The AM Site Team will be on site for a two-week duration.
Douglas McLeod Barratt Developments has delivered a £298 million boost to the UK economy over the past year, building 1,708 new homes in Scotland and supporting around 5,000 jobs over the period, a new report has revealed.
Aberdeen City Council is to continue to meet storage costs for homeless households after councillors rejected proposals to introduce a new charge to store their belongings. The local authority has a duty to provide removal storage and disposal facilities for the furniture and personal belongings of
A sculpture depicting Jesus as a homeless person sleeping on a bench has been installed at Nelson Mandela Place in Glasgow. Homelessness charity Bethany Christian Trust joined Glasgow City Mission for the unveiling of ‘Homeless Jesus’ outside St George's Tron Church.
Housing associations in Scotland could be subject to Freedom of Information (FOI) laws from April 2019, subject to a parliamentary vote, it has been announced. Confirming a draft order to extend coverage of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 to Registered Social Landlords yesterday, mini
Bob Sander Hillcrest Housing Association, parent of the Hillcrest Group of Companies, has announced the appointment of Bob Sander as its new director of housing.
Inverness is regarded as a high priority area A five-year strategy to enable the delivery of 6,000 new homes across the Highlands, of which 2,500 will be socially rented, has been agreed by councillors.
The latest blog from the Scottish Cities Alliance has focussed on its work with the European Housing Partnership to deliver affordable housing. Scottish Cities Alliance continues to play an important role in the European Housing Partnership (EHP), which met recently over two days at the UN Palais de
(from left) Kevin Reid, managing director of The Cruden Group; housing minister Kevin Stewart and LAR chair Andrew Robertson The chair of a housing charity is hailing the start of construction at an East Lothian site as an important milestone for the organisation.
Paul Kelly, MD Briar Homes Family-run Glasgow social housing developer AS Homes (Scotland) Ltd has announced the launch of a new private homes arm as planning permission is granted for its very first development.
Stirling Council, alongside partner Scottish Water Horizons, has been awarded £100,000 to explore a pioneering heat solution for rural Stirling, with initial feasibility being carried out in Callander. The first study of its kind in the UK, the project will investigate how waste heat extracted from
Peter Steele recently met with 11 housing associations across Glasgow over the course of a week. Some of the key themes and challenges they face are highlighted in Mobysoft's latest blog. The impact of Universal Credit has been felt by Scottish RSLs (Registered Social Landlords) and other institutio