Wheatley Group is the highest-placed large organisation in a league table of the UK’s best 50 social landlords, as judged by national housing magazine 24housing. Wheatley’s focus on innovation, quality and improvement, and its work in “Making homes and lives better” for thousands of people a
Lynn Cunningham Craigowl Communities, part of the Hillcrest Group, has been shortlisted in the Care and Support Organisation category at the 24housing Awards.
Yvette Burgess Yvette Burgess, unit director at the Housing Support Enabling Unit, blogs on the Better Futures framework, a pioneering initiative with two simple aims: to help improve the quality of life of people using housing support services across Scotland and to enable organisations to plan and
The time periods proposed by the Scottish Government for the new version of Local Development Plans and the provision of homes in rural areas are still areas of concern despite some positives moves to change the planning system, Savills has warned. The property organisation has broadly welcomed the
A lack of storage and difficulty keeping rooms warm are their biggest household concerns facing Scottish homeowners, according to a new survey. Research conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust shows Scotland is a nation of home improvers with 65 per cent of us having carried out
HRH with Forgewood Housing Co-op management staff & committee A community centre part funded by Forgewood Housing Co-operative was given a royal opening last week.
Over half a million UK homeowners aged 55 or over are unwittingly blocking family homes because they want to move but can’t due to a lack of suitable housing, a new report has found. According to the annual homeowner survey conducted by YouGov for HomeOwners Alliance and BLP Insurance, one in five
An empty schoolhouse in Wester Ross will be transformed into two affordable dwellings thanks to an innovative funding package secured by The Highlands Small Communities Housing Trust (HSCHT) and the Coigach Community Development Company. Secured with support from the Scottish Government, the Nationw
Almond Housing Association has been successful in securing continued Scottish Government People and Communities Funding for its energy advice project. The funding extension allows the Association to offer the Almond Energy Action service to tenants for another year.
Lesley Palmer, chief architect at Stirling University’s Dementia Services Development Centre, considers the importance of the ‘Older Persons' Walkable Neighbourhood’ when considering Housing Land Audits and the allocation of development sites for older people housing. As an Architect with a Ma
A new community on the site of a former brickworks outside Falkirk has been abandoned by developers. The project to build 200 homes at the site of the Manuel Works, to the east of Whitecross, had outline planning permission from Falkirk Council.
Nicola Sturgeon First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said today that the Scottish Government is set to bring forward legislation to tackle the deep-rooted causes of child poverty for the first time in its history.
Meg Hillier The design and implementation of the Green Deal and the complementary Energy Company Obligation (ECO) put public money at risk and must not be repeated, MPs said today.
The only long-term solution for Scotland to help its struggling first time buyers is to build vastly more affordable, quality housing in the places where people want to live, a new report has found. A study into Scotland’s economic outlook in the aftermath of Brexit by accountancy firm PwC, descri
The Scottish Government has unveiled £420 million plans to protect 10,000 homes from flooding over the next 10 years. The scheme will aim to deliver 40 new flood protection projects over the next decade and follows an agreement reached between the government and the Convention of Scottish Local Aut