West Dunbartonshire Council has launched an online survey into its housing policy. The survey, which runs until May 29, comes as the council reviews its housing allocations policy.
Trust Housing Association has announced the appointment of Rhona McLeod as its new chief executive following a highly competitive and rigorous interview process. Bringing with her a wealth of experience from the Health Care sector, Rhona has worked in a variety of roles within operational management
Ian Williams One in seven Scots say they borrowed money last month to buy food, according to research carried out on behalf of debt advice and solutions provider Debt Advisory Centre Scotland (DACS).
Kay Blair The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has launched its new Corporate Plan which sets out how it will continue its work to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use social landlords’ services.
Una Nicolson, depute head at Whinhill Primary, Albert Henderson, MBE vice-chair RCH board and Brenda Gibson, Broomhill project officer To underpin its £26 million regeneration plans for the Broomhill neighbourhood of Greenock, River Clyde Homes (RCH) has opened a project office in the area.
Mike Galloway The shortlist for Scotland’s premier home building industry awards has been announced as trade body Homes for Scotland gears up for its largest ever ceremony celebrating the sector’s achievements.
Families have been stopped from moving into their new homes at a multi-million pound development in the Borders after traces of deadly gas were detected. STV has reported that work was halted at Easter Langlee in Galashiels, Selkirkshire, after scientists found both methane and carbon dioxide in bor
River Clyde Homes’ Customer Senate has produced its first scrutiny report which looked at how the Inverclyde based housing association re-let some of its empty properties. Almost two years ago River Clyde Homes started a programme called ‘Count Me In’ to give customers a real say in developing
Unemployed people from across Dundee celebrated completing a four week training course that has given them the skills they need to deliver first class customer service in a variety of hospitality roles. Among the 16 participants was Craig Fisher, from Dundee, who has been unemployed for 5 years.
A Day Care service run by Bield has been blown away by the generosity shown by a grateful daughter who left £10,000 in her will as a thanks for all the help it had given her mother over ten years ago. Danette McColl-Stobie left the substantial figure to Munro Court in Glasgow when she passed away t
(left to right) Emma Horne, systems and admin manager at CAN and Robert Carnochan, DGHP Annandale and Eskdale DMC Member An Annan-based project to help people with furnishing their new homes has picked up a grant from Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership’s (DGHP’s) Tenant Community Fund.
Name and location of development: Central Bellsmyre - three sites at Aitkenbar Drive/Auchenreoch Avenue, Penniecroft Avenue and Whiteford Crescent. Housing Association/Council: West Dunbartonshire Council
Name and location of development: Doocot Court, Perth (phases 1 & 2) Housing Association/Council: Hillcrest Housing Association (HHA), Northern Housing Company (NHC) and Perth and Kinross Council (PKC)
Name and location of development: Sandy Loan, Broughty Ferry Housing Association/Council: Delivered under the National Housing Trust initiative
The BBC commissioned two artists, Becky and Louise (also known as Good Wives and Warriors), http://www.goodwivesandwarriors.co.uk/ to create an art work on a gable end in the city to celebrate the Commonwealth Games. Parkhead Housing Association was chosen as the preferred landlord not only because