(left to right) Gowrie Care area manager Chris Robb, Gowrie Care chair Janet Lynch and Gowrie Care managing director Damian McGowan, care apprentice Hayley Meechan, care apprentice Stevyn Wilkinson, care apprentice Laurie Millen, Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce membership manager Eve Hughes, an
A hustings in Gordon tonight will see candidates and spokespeople from the main political parties questioned about their plans to tackle the housing crisis and improve social housing in the North East; and on their intentions to deliver new powers on housing for Scotland. The housing hustings held a
Partick Housing Association (PHA) opened its doors for the first time 40 years ago bringing affordable, quality housing to the local area. In 2015 PHA plans to celebrate its 40th birthday big style with events and activities throughout the year including a Community Festival, heritage walking tours
Andrew Cassels Cloch Housing Association has lost a dear friend and valued colleague.
Shona Robison All 32 local NHS and council partnerships have finalised their plans to integrate health and social care services.
Ayrshire Housing has submitted a planning application for four new houses in the heart of the village of Dailly. Three years ago, South Ayrshire Council took action to demolish the burnt out King’s Arms Hotel. Following complex legal work, the association was able to finally acquire the site last
Homeless people are being urged to vote in next month's General Election after years of feeling under-represented by the political process. While being homeless isn't a barrier to registering for a vote, many people don't bother if they don't have a fixed address.
A birthday party themed event has been held by Grampian Housing Association for staff and board members to celebrate the Association’s 40thanniversary. Facilitated by Mike Stevenson of Thinktastic, the day started with a ‘This is Your Life’ feature looking back at notable highlights in the Ass
A partnership programme involving West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA), Clyde Gateway and the Celtic FC Foundation is set to expand thanks to a grant award of £450,000 from the Big Lottery Fund that will help ensure its delivery over the next three years. The Gateway to Health and Opportunit
Alex Neil The Scottish Government is to publish a plan to support the delivery of new homes as new figures revealed the average time to process major housing developments was at its slowest yet.
Elaine Gibson ANCHO has managed to keep its rents among the lowest housing association rents in Ayrshire, despite an increase of 2.8 per cent being applied to its base rent for the coming year.
Annabelle Ewing MSP, minister for youth and women’s employment, with the Investors in Young People award, and, from left, Peter Russian, chief executive of Investors in People; Liz Ruine, chair of Cube Housing Association, which is part of Wheatley Group; young Wheatley employees Megan Gillanders,
The St John’s Place project during the renovation The housing association behind a social housing development above a former Perth restaurant believe the £1 million project could attract people into the city centre.
Peter Scott Peter Scott has been appointed as the first chief executive of the new Independent Living Fund Scotland (ILF Scotland).
Bield Housing and Care is looking for an enthusiastic volunteer to help support the social activities offered to tenants at St Andrews Court retirement development in Uphall, West Lothian. Lynn McCusker, manager at St Andrews Court, said: “The social activity programme was introduced in line with