Judy Hamilton A record investment of over £70 million has been unveiled to help improve Fife’s council homes over the next year.
Care and housing provider Bield is launching an innovative service aimed at offering advice and support to people with dementia. Having received a generous £750 donation from the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews’ Town Fund, Bield’s Fife Flexicare service decided to benefit the local
(left to right) Ian Mailer (FES Technical manager for FES Renewables); Cllr Violet Weir; Cllr Johanna Boyd; Jason Cross (FES MD); and front Rajini Sokhi (FES Group Bid manager); Background - McKenzie McPherson and Graham Moffat (Saul Gallaway Builders) Council housing in Stirling continues to become
Councillor Sam Love and energy advisor Lynda Stevenson launch the Big Switch People across North Lanarkshire are being urged to cut their energy bills and take advantage of a fuel switching scheme organised by North Lanarkshire Council.
Keith Brown was shown round a new housing development in Inverness, which includes housing earmarked for veterans. Veterans secretary Keith Brown has paid tribute to Scotland’s veterans during a visit to a housing development in Inverness.
A construction equipment hire firm has donated a four-figure sum to charity Glasgow City Mission as part of the company’s commitment to fundraising. Glasgow City Mission seeks to help the homeless and those in poverty with its city centre project in Crimea Street. The money raised by GAP Hire Solu
A Scottish Government Reporter has dismissed an appeal against the refusal of planning permission in principle for a £500 million 3200-home development in South Lanarkshire. The Reporter’s findings follow a two-day public hearing in January into the plans for the project which had been scheduled
Dame Anne Begg MPs have called for a full and “urgent” independent review to investigate whether benefit sanctions are being applied appropriately, fairly and proportionately.
Mark Macmillan Renfrewshire Council has taken the first steps in a new journey to break the child poverty cycle with a cash injection of £3.2 million to take forward immediate priorities emerging from its Tackling Poverty Commission report.
Ed Davey Around 140,000 households in Scotland saved £9.8 million in the last six months by changing electricity supplier, according to new figures.
Partick Housing Association is hosting a series of walking tours in the local area as part of the 40th anniversary celebrations. Take a walk through time and explore Partick’s heritage, taking in its medieval, industrial and more recent past. Each walk has a unique theme and explores a different a
35 hardy souls spent a chilly night camping out at the Shettleston Community Growing Project site last week. The Big Shettleston Sleepover aims to raise awareness of fuel poverty and to raise money for people in the Shettleston area affected by it. The event was organised by the Shettleston Housing
Aberdeenshire Council has agreed a new strategy for the provision of sites for the travelling community. Aberdeenshire already has a permanent site at Greenbanks in Banff, but a recent report has argued for more in north, south and central Aberdeenshire.
River Clyde Homes, in association with Greenock Morton Football Club, is offering free football at Broomhill 3G Football Pitch in Greenock (off Broomhill Street) on Friday evenings until the 1st of May. The football sessions, which are funded by Awards For All Scotland and are supported by the Inver
A Wishaw based soft furnishing supplier, run by North Lanarkshire Council’s housing property service has launched a bright new brochure for housing suppliers. Detailing the huge variety of quality services which businesses can take advantage of, NL Industries new brochure was launched to more than