The Association’s chair, John Steele and leader of North Ayrshire Council Cllr Willie Gibson presented Frank Sweeney with a gift in appreciation of his service
From left: Lord Provost George Adam, Helen Gauld, chief executive, Langstane Housing Association and Alec Cumming, chairperson, Next Step Homes
From left: Steve Anderson, service manager for Major Works with Cllr Judy Hamilton and John Mills, head of housing
Keith Anderson Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland board chair Keith Anderson has called on politicians to recognise the central role housing plays in society.
Margaret Burgess A further £2 million is to be invested in charitable bonds to help boost the supply of affordable homes, housing minister Margaret Burgess confirmed yesterday.
Investment in housing should be seen as a preventative measure to seriously address the growing crisis in health and inequality in Scotland, the annual Chartered Institute of Housing conference in Glasgow will hear today. Speaking at the conference in his capacity as the chair of the Housing and Wel
Over 200 people came along to support their favourite bands at this year's Lintel Trust Great Big Lintel Jam Night. The event continues to showcase the fantastic bands with members who work in social housing or related industries, and what a wealth of talent housing has. The headline band came all t
A Dumfries-based food bank has received a cash boost this week thanks to a donation from Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership’s (DGHP) charity choir. The choir, made up of staff from DGHP, DGHP’s repairs contractor and family and friends took part in last year’s Choir for Charity event an
Payday lenders are failing to meet industry requirements on fair treatment of customers in arrears, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has found.A review of the first twelve months of the FCA’s regulation of the payday sector has shown has shown that the industry is beginning to take a more cus
A group of Abertay Housing Association tenants have benefitted from a reduction in annual heating bills thanks to the work of a Dundee-based energy efficiency installation contractor. Tenants in more than 80 homes in the Fintry area of the city were struggling to pay rising fuel bills in dwellings s
Kingdom Housing Association company vehicle drivers have completed a training course which is designed to help increase fuel efficiency.
A pioneering housing association investment scheme marked another milestone yesterday with the launch of a member led steering group to progress the initiative. The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations’ Housing Association Resource for Investment Scheme (HARIS) provides an innovative way fo
A Scottish property investment company has taken a big step forward in helping to address the chronic lack of social housing in Greater Glasgow as it secures funding to buy 80 properties to rent to people on benefits or low incomes over the next two years. Homes for Good Investments acquires and ref
Poorer Scots report feeling more confused and less secure following rapid cuts to their incomes, according to a study for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation by researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU).It finds signs of close knit communities lending support to some members but an overall pictu