Fundamentals of Factoring

Fundamentals of Factoring (Full programme)

This six-day course, approved by The Property Institute (TPI) will give delegates the fundamental knowledge essential to providing a factoring service within Scotland.

Each unit will have a workbook, slides from the day as well as case studies, title deeds and other learning materials relevant to each unit.

The course is delivered over six units covering:

Unit 1 – the fundamentals of property management, (an introduction to factoring in Scotland)

This unit is an introduction to the course, and we will cover various areas from the history of factoring to the basics of deeds, this will prepare you for the following units. We will use a series of videos, case studies and Q&As throughout.

Unit 2 – the fundamentals of the legal framework in a factoring operation

This unit will explore the legislation vital to follow for those providing a factoring service in Scotland. As well as the Acts of government we will also explore the history of the Acts and why these have come into force and how to make old feudal deeds work with new acts.

Unit 3 – the fundamentals of a factor’s financial obligations

This unit will explore your financial obligations both laid out in legislation and the deed of conditions that factors in Scotland should be aware of when delivering a factoring service. We will also explore floats and reserve/cyclical/sinking funds and the rules set up for these.

Unit 4 - the fundamentals of building maintenance and managing repairs in common property

This unit will again look at the obligations to repair properties using legislation and deeds and what to do when an owner is voting against works. We will also explore emergency works and how these should be defined.

Unit 5 – the fundamentals of health & safety and the legislative context as it applies to factoring in Scotland

This unit will explore the importance of health & safety in a factoring context in Scotland, how you remain compliant and the responsibility or owners, factors, contractors, and individuals when accessing and using common property. This unit is split into seven key areas covering a wide variety of health & safety areas you should be aware of as part of your role.

Unit 6 – the fundamentals of delivering a factoring service

This unit will be delivered via a series of case studies, each group or individual will be given a property description and deeds and will have to decide how to set up and deliver a factoring service based on the requirements for each property.


The exam will be based on learning from each unit all units must be attended for those taking the exam.

Upon passing the exam at the end of the qualification, delegates will be awarded a certificate and will be able to use post-nominals ATPI in their communications.

Additional costs

TPI ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP COSTS – There is a one-off joining fee of £209 plus an annual subscription fee for your Associate Membership of the TPI currently at £175 (Apr 2025), a total charge of £384 will be added on top of those listed above.

If you have already paid your membership, it will only be the Associate fees TPI will charge £175, these costs generally go up in April.   

Note: this is a flexible programme; delegates can select to do specific modules in line with their availability and budget. However, to receive the certificate and gain Associate Membership it is recommended that the full programme be completed within a 12-month period

Course dates: 01/04/2025, 15/04/2025, 29/04/2025, 13/05/2025, 27/05/2025, 10/06/2025

Exam Date: 01/07/2025

Delivery: Zoom

Trainer: Ronni McMenemy

Cost: Member £1250.00 / Non-Member £1930.00

Book your place HERE or email

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