Board Members

Board Members – Trust Housing Association

Closing Date 12: 00 noon Monday 14 April 2025

Have you considered joining a Board? Maybe The Time Is Now!

Do you have self-awareness and independence of thought? Can you analyse key information? Are you performance orientated? Can you communicate well with others and form stakeholder relationships? Have you got experience in a leadership role and are used to making difficult decisions?

If so, we’d love to hear from you!

We are looking for committed individuals from a variety of professional and diverse backgrounds to join our Board to be part of a people centred organisation on an exciting change journey. Supported by technology and data, we are transforming how we work and deliver services to our customers. We would particularly welcome applications from those with housing or legal experience and groups who are of ten under-represented to strengthen diversity across our Board and be reflective of the society we live in today.

At Trust we are values driven

• We love to learn
• We believe in better
• We are here for each other

If you share in our values and have the time and expertise to support us in our efforts, as a sector leading charitable organisation, to make a difference to people’s lives, we would love to hear from you. Good digital skills are required for the role.

What you will get in return

• Great professional development
• Training opportunities
• Enhance your network and knowledge
• Satisfaction in giving something back
• Out of pocket expenses (such as travel expenses and a contribution to childcare for attending meetings)

Time Commitment

• 6 x in-person Board meetings per year, usually held in Edinburgh on a Thursday mid-afternoon (with pre-reading of board papers in advance of meetings)
• 2 in-person strategic away days (taking place over 2 days with an overnight stay)
• Annual visits to housing developments across Scotland
• Option to attend sector and other events throughout the year

Interviews will take place on Tuesday 6 May and Friday 9 May 2025

To apply, please send your CV and covering letter to Annette Brown, Governance & Business Support Manager, by email or post: 12 New Mart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RL.

For queries relating to this advert, please call T. 0131 444 4940.

Registered Scottish Charity No. SC009086

Our positive and inclusive culture is recognised externally by our Investors in People ‘Platinum’ accreditation.

Trust: who we are

Trust is a not-for-profit registered social landlord, regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator, Care Inspectorate and Scottish Charities Regulator (OSCR). We are proud to be a national and forward-thinking social landlord, with nearly 4000 homes across the length and breadth of Scotland. We are also one of Scotland’s largest housing, care, and support providers for older people. Our story and culture have been enriched through growth with like-minded people and organisations.

Please use the link below to see full details of the role & how to apply:

Trust Board Members · Trust Housing Association

Recruitment Pack