Age Scotland is calling on people to help tackle the loneliness epidemic by taking on the 'Age Squatland' fundraising challenge in August.
Age Scotland
Mid-year population estimates from National Records of Scotland show that Scotland’s population is ageing compared with previous decades. Since 2000, the number of people aged 65+ in Scotland has increased by a third, while the number of children has fallen 6%. All 32 Scottish council areas ha
A new round of funding worth £145,921 is available for organisations across Scotland looking to offer grassroots, community-led support for those affected by dementia. The ‘Encouraging and Supporting Grassroots Activity Fund’ is open to both new and established organisations and co
Age Scotland, in partnership with Scottish Water, is urging older people to turn on the tap to stay hydrated as temperatures are set to soar this weekend.
Age Scotland has raised concerns over the lack of access to cash following a new House of Commons Scottish Affairs Committee report, which reveals that 53% of Scotland’s bank branches have closed since 2015 – the highest percentage loss in the UK. A total of 500,000 people in Scotland ar
In the context of a steadily ageing society and the continuing impetus to expand appropriate residential solutions in the community for older people, the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is pursuing a series of interlocked projects that consider different aspects of housing adap
Household energy bills are expected to rise even further in the autumn to an average of £2,800 a year, Ofgem’s chief executive told MPs yesterday.
Around 220,000 older households in Scotland will have insufficient income to cover their essential spending this year, according to the latest analysis by Age Scotland’s sister charity Age UK. With 150,000 pensioners already living in relative poverty in Scotland, the charities estimate that t
Age Scotland has highlighted the urgent need for action to tackle pensioner poverty as statistics from the Scottish Government revealed today that 11% of pensioners were in persistent poverty after housing costs between 2016 and 2020. The figure is unchanged from the previous period.
The UK Government has failed to deliver the support and help that thousands of worried households facing poverty require as a result of soaring energy bills and a cost of living crisis, according to charities and civic organisations across Scotland.
Staff from across Scottish social organisation Hillcrest recently took part in a pilot session of a unique virtual reality (VR) dementia design workshop.
The significant increase in people of pension age which has been projected over the next two decades means that urgent action is needed to make Scotland fit for the future, Age Scotland has warned. The national charity for older people has highlighted the importance of preparing to meet the needs of
Age Scotland is launching new and free services supported by gas company SGN to help older people get a better understanding of their household energy use, supporting them to use their energy safely, efficiently, and affordably, and helping them stay warm in their homes.
The Scottish Government is being urged to give pensioners in poverty and low income an extra £50 to help with the cost of heating their homes this winter.
Age Scotland has teamed up with the Rangers Charity Foundation this season to tackle the high levels of pensioner poverty in Scotland. The Foundation today announced Age Scotland as its National Charity Partner for this season, with the aim of helping more older people access the financial support t