The national charity for older people is warning of potential issues ahead if policymakers do not create more housing for the country’s ageing population. In recent figures released by National Records of Scotland (NRS), the number of households of someone aged 70 and over is projected to increase
Age Scotland
Scotland’s most comprehensive housing options guide for older people has been launched by Age Scotland and housing minister Kevin Stewart. The guide is aimed to help older people plan for their future housing needs while they have the financial and practical capability to do so. The dementia frien
A charity is calling for the Scottish Government to reduce council tax for homeowners who carry out energy efficiency measures to tackle fuel poverty. Age Scotland said that the measure is necessary to help the soaring numbers of pensioners living in fuel poverty. Around six in 10 single pensioner h
A charity has warned that Scotland is failing to prepare for the housing, health, pensions, and employment needs of a rapidly ageing population after a new report found every council area will see an increase in its elderly population by 2022.
More than one in four older Scots with health conditions are struggling to pay their fuel bills, according to new research by Age Scotland. Six in 10 people aged 55 and older are concerned about rising fuel bills, according to the study released to coincide with Fuel Poverty Awareness Day today.
Urgent action is required to reverse the shortage of housing for older and disabled people as Scotland struggles to meet the needs of a rapidly ageing population, according to a new alliance of charities and other organisations. Age Scotland, the Scottish Older People’s Assembly, Castle Rock Edinv
A charity for older people is calling for urgent action to protect vulnerable residents amid rising costs and closures across Scotland’s care sector. The call follows the announcement by Renaissance Care that it plans to close its Levenhall Care Home in Musselburgh.
Image courtesy of the Rock Trust Grants totalling £1.6 million will fund innovative services aimed at tackling homelessness and improving housing, particularly for the most vulnerable.
An innovative new app could help enhance home and hospital environments for people with dementia – improving patient outcomes and reducing the strain on health services, according to University of Stirling academics. On World Alzheimer’s Day today, the University’s Dementia Services Developmen
Trust Housing Association invited Age Scotland to run healthy active ageing showcase events at 18 of their premises across Scotland. Thanks to funding from the Life Changes Trust the charity was pleased to be able to say yes, writes Doug Anthoney. Number nine: Grapevine. Number two: do Kung-Fu.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visits PoLHA's Jameson Place Tenants of Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) Jameson Place development welcomed a special guest this week when First Minister Nicola Sturgeon paid a visit to the Generations Project for their Christmas festivities.
Figures showing there were nearly 3,000 additional winter deaths last year show that Scotland’s cold and draughty housing stock must be upgraded as a matter of urgency, the Existing Homes Alliance has argued. The annual Winter Mortality in Scotland report published yesterday by the Scottish Govern
Scotland’s ageing population is at increasing electrical danger with almost 80 per cent of homes in disrepair, according to a new report. Electrical Safety First said that while the vast majority of older people in Scotland want to stay in their own homes, unsafe electrics can make that a risky bu
Charity groups have called on Scotland’s political parties to commit to “end the scourge of cold, energy-wasting, hard-to-heat homes” after new figures revealed that winter deaths in Scotland have reached their highest level for 15 years. The call by RCN Scotland, Age Scotland, and WWF Scotlan