Almond Housing Association

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Scotland’s national chef Gary Maclean is backing a new campaign to help families struggling with rising fuel bills by providing tasty ways of keeping costs down. Masterchef: The Professionals champion Gary has teamed up with fuel poverty champions Energy Action Scotland (EAS) and Ruc

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Building and construction firm The JR Group has completed works on its first project for Almond Housing Association, delivering a community of socially rented properties in Livingston. Working as main contractor, The JR Group commenced work with Almond Housing Association in October 2019. The p

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News that Almond Housing Association tenants could move in to their new homes in Piriebank, Ladywell, before Christmas has been warmly welcomed by everyone involved. A small, and socially distanced event, was held at the new Piriebank development, marking the handover of 12 social rented proper

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Almond Housing Association has been doing everything in its power to create a happy and safe Christmas for tenants this year with its Operation: Happy Christmas campaign. After a difficult year for many, Almond has distributed Winter Wellbeing Packs, Festive Food Parcels, and much more to local fami

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Almond Housing Association and West Lothian Youth Action Project (WLYAP) have come together to deliver a brand new initiative, Growing Together. Growing Together is a community-based project that will provide residents of Craigshill with the opportunity to grow fresh produce, cook new recipes and ea

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John Davidson has been named as the new chief executive officer at Almond Housing Association.  Following a robust recruitment exercise, the Association will welcome Mr Davidson to the team in September following George Webster’s retirement.

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Almond Housing Association is looking ahead to the next 25 years as it prepares for the departure of George Webster and the appointment of a new CEO.  After forty-one years of dedication to the people of West Lothian and twenty-six years of leading Almond Housing Association, George Webster has

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After 41 years of hard work and dedication to the people of West Lothian, Almond Housing Association’s chief executive officer George Webster has announced his plans to retire. George began his housing career in 1979 with Livingston Development Corporation and then became part of the team who

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Almond Housing Association has stepped up support for its tenants during the current COVID-19 outbreak.  Following a letter sent to all tenants on Wednesday 18th March 2020, Almond staff are working remotely and will ensure as many services as possible are running during this time.

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Almond Housing Association welcomed nine local groups to pitch for funding at their community soup event last week. The Association secured funding to invest in community projects and was delighted to hear each group pitch their ideas that would benefit local residents.

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Almond Housing Association is making sure everyone has what they need for the festive season through its Operation: Happy Christmas campaign. Through this campaign, they are distributing Winter Packs, Festive Food Parcels, pantomime tickets and much more to local families over the Christma

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