Angus Council

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Angus councillors will be asked to agree a raft of papers this week which describe the measures taken by the local authority in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the harsh economic impacts that are now emerging as it moves through the recovery phases. At their meeting, the full Angus Counci

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Rejected plans to convert a Muirhead garage into flats has been sent back to Angus Council for appeal consideration. The Scottish Government’s planning and environmental appeals division said it has no remit relating to Muirhead Garage on Newtyle Road and the matter should be challenged throug

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Angus Council leader David Fairweather visited one of the two new Humanitarian Aid Angus Response Team (HAART) food and supplies distribution centres this week which have been set up to support the citizens of Angus throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Cllr Fairweather

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Angus Council has decided to drop the implementation of safety sprinkler systems in some of its new housing after the council agreed a partial switch to 'off-the-shelf' properties to boost its stock.

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The 2020/21 budget proposed by Angus Council’s administration was set at a special meeting of full council on Friday, with an agreement reached to raise council tax by 3%. The council said that the equivalent of 269 new houses expected to raise £315k of extra income. It argued that the m

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Angus Council has announced that it will set its budget for 2020/21 at its meeting on Thursday 27th February 2020. Angus MacMillan Douglas, deputy leader and finance convener, said that it has been a challenging process, but one that has been met with the necessary determination, design and intent t

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Angus Council tenants are facing a 3.1% rent increase as councillors will hear a proposal recommending an increase in the average weekly rent to £70.79, a rise of £2.23 from last year.

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New supported housing for adults with a learning disability is to be developed in Forfar after plans were agreed by Angus Council, Angus Health and Social Care Partnership and Caledonia Housing Association. To be built on the site of the previous Gables Care Home, the new facility will replace the e

106-120 of 193 Articles