Employers on Shetland are being urged to respond to a survey to determine the extent of workforce housing shortages and if a lack of housing is affecting staff recruitment and retention. The research has been commissioned by Shetland Islands Council to establish the need for housing for the diverse
Arneil Johnston
Housing consultancy firm Arneil Johnston has retained its Investors in People (IIP) Platinum status, having been re-awarded the prestigious accreditation for the next three years.
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) has today published new guidance setting out how some of Scotland’s 42,000+ long-term empty homes can be used to help to tackle Scotland’s housing emergency.
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) is launching new guidance to assist local authorities to bring some of Scotland’s nearly 43,000 long-term empty homes back into use. Developed in partnership with housing specialists Arneil Johnston, the Strategic Empty Homes Framework Guidance
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published updated recommended practice to support social landlords to review, develop and improve their approach to integrated asset management. The recommended practice is intended primarily for decision makers in RSLs and local authority housing services. However
Easthall Park Housing Co-operative will remain as an independent organisation following a strategic review of its business. The outcome of the review, which included an independent Strategic Options Appraisal by Arneil Johnston consultants, was for Easthall Park to ‘Stay Independent&
Housing consultancy Arneil Johnston is celebrating having achieved the prestigious Investors in People Platinum accreditation. The award comes on the back of an unprecedented year for Arneil Johnston which, like all organisations, was faced with the consequences of the pandemic. In one of the m
The Scottish Housing Regulator has written to all social landlords to seek their views on proposed changes to its current advisory guidance on asset management. The Regulator commissioned Arneil Johnston to carry out a review of the guidance first published in 2012. The guidance is intended to help