A sheriff of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland has remitted three applications by the owners of holiday chalets on a lochside estate concerning alleged breaches of property factor duties to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland after finding that the chalets could be considered residential properties
An East Kilbride sheriff has dismissed a streamlined eviction action by a housing association against a tenant convicted of a drug supply offence after finding it would be disproportionate to evict him. East Kilbride Housing Association raised the action against its tenant T, who resisted the evicti
A sheriff has ruled that it would be disproportionate for a housing association to evict a tenant under a Scottish secure tenancy with a lifelong psychiatric disorder after proceedings for recovery of possession were raised based on anti-social and criminal behaviour in Glasgow Sheriff Court.
A Falkirk sheriff has appointed for proof an action by a couple against their former solicitors who failed to inform them of a housing proposal for ground next to their new home after finding that they had a relevant case for professional negligence. Fraser and Vivian Allison instructed Russel &
A Glasgow sheriff has ruled that a housing co-operative could evict a Scottish secure tenant after it discovered that she had allowed drug dealers to use her property to store controlled substances in return for the cancellation of a debt. Drumchapel Housing Co-Operative Ltd raised an action for rem
The Inner House of the Court of Session has refused an appeal against a lord ordinary’s decision to refuse to reduce a decision of Glasgow City Council not to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment in respect of the demolition of four tower blocks in Maryhill.
A former landlord who alleged that his tenants had stolen a set of shutters and failed to pay for replacement carpets has been refused permission to appeal his two cases against them to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland after it upheld the First-tier Tribunal’s decision in both cases that no los
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has allowed an appeal by a landlord ordered to pay over £5,000 to her former student tenants after finding that the First-tier Tribunal had inadequate evidence to reach the conclusions it did.
The owners of a Glasgow building given category C listed status due to its architectural and historic qualities have successfully appealed to the Court of Session Inner House against a reporter’s decision to refuse an appeal against the decision to list it, and had the matter remitted to a new
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has refused an appeal by two landlords against the First-tier Tribunal’s decision not to grant them an eviction order to remove the long-term tenant of their property on the basis of financial hardship.
A landlord of a property in Paisley awarded just over £600 of the £2,300 she sought from the departing tenant has lost an Upper Tribunal appeal seeking to have the amount increased.
The Sheriff Appeal Court has reduced the amount payable by a joiner who failed to meet quality of work standards in an attic conversion job by £12,000 after he challenged the sheriff’s decision to award decree in favour of the pursuers.
A couple that bought a property in Auchendinny only to find a substantial quantity of Japanese Knotweed on the grounds have been allowed to progress with an action raised against the sellers based on a breach of the terms of sale.
A tenant ordered to pay over £11,000 in rent arrears from September 2021 until 2023 to his former landlord has lost an appeal against the First-tier Tribunal’s decision to make the award against him. He rented a property in Airdrie from Celtad Ltd from January 2020, and left the property
The tenant of a property on a country estate in the Scottish Borders has lost an appeal against the First-tier Tribunal’s decision not to make a determination of rent before the Upper Tribunal for Scotland, after the Tribunal found that it was temporarily not possible for the FTS to make such