The House of Lords was the setting for the launch of the 2025 UK Housing Review yesterday with event host Lord Richard Best urging all political parties to engage and utilise the publication when setting future housing policy.
Record homelessness levels are placing the finances of English local authorities under unsustainable pressure, a report by Westminster's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has revealed.
As part of its ongoing commitment to improving equality, diversity and inclusion throughout its organisation and across the housing sector, the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has announced the appointed members to its new Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Board. The EDI Board has
After taking up the role of president at the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) AGM last week, Elly Hoult has today unveiled her presidential campaign, CHOOSE HOUSING, which will run throughout her time in office. The CHOOSE HOUSING campaign seeks to raise awareness of the career opportunities in
John Hannigan, CEO of Circle Voluntary Housing Association and former chair of CIH Ireland’s Advisory Board, has been approved and appointed as chair of CIH’s governing board at the organisation’s sixtieth annual meeting on Monday 14 October. John takes over from Geraldine Howley O
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has published its latest EDI census data, revealing a diverse and predominantly female membership for the professional housing body.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is reportedly planning to increase social rents by more than inflation for the next 10 years to turbocharge efforts to build social homes.
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) is creating an equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) board as part of the membership body's commitment to improving EDI in its own organisation, membership and across the housing sector. The board will support the organisation’s ex
After a closely fought election period, Julie Haydon has been chosen by Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) members as the organisation’s next vice president. Julie Haydon, director of corporate services at Wolverhampton Homes, received over 51 per cent of the votes cast and was elected ahead
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) have unveiled a refreshed version of the Housing Rights website. Housing Rights gives recent arrivals and housing advisers up-to-date information about people's rights when looking for a home, based on their immig
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has announced John Hannigan FCIH FCCA CDIR as its new chair designate of its governing board. John takes over from Geraldine Howley, who has held the position for the past two terms and has served on the board for a total of six years.
The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) said it is deeply sadden by the death of Steve Benson who passed away on Sunday 14 April, after losing his resolutely tenacious battle with cancer. Steve’s passing is a great loss for the housing sector. A well-known figure, Steve provided over 50 years
UK Housing Review author and editor John Perry delves into one of the Scottish-focused chapters from this year's publication.
A launch event for the publication of the annual UK housing ‘bible’ – the 2024 UK Housing Review - was held at the House of Lords yesterday.
Large city councils in England will be told to prioritise brownfield development under a major shake-up to planning rules which aims to boost housebuilding while protecting the Green Belt.