The energy price cap is to increase by 6.4% over the period covering April to June 2025, Ofgem has announced today.
Citizens Advice Scotland
A campaign to increase awareness of tenants’ rights was launched today by housing minister Paul McLennan. The campaign includes information about where renters can go to access help and advice.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is demanding action from energy regulator Ofgem to tackle what it calls a ‘massive crisis’ in household energy debt. In a hard-hitting response to an Ofgem consultation on the issue, CAS is today calling for a new energy debt relief scheme, which woul
The Scottish Government has awarded £400,000 to Citizens Advice Scotland to improve access to help for people struggling with Council Tax debt.
The energy price cap is set to increase by 1.2% starting in January, energy regulator Ofgem confirmed today.
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme has distributed a total of £9.3 million to support 28 organisations across England, Scotland and Wales, deliver projects supporting vulnerable residents with energy bills and carbon reduction initiatives.
Interested parties are being invited to join the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) for a webinar exploring rural housing in Scotland, focusing on Argyll and Bute's private rental sector.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has submitted its evidence to energy regulator Ofgem’s review of its Vulnerability Strategy, which closes today. The CAS evidence calls for “bold, ambitious and effective” action to address the crisis being faced by households across Scotland t
Campaigners, organisations and charities across Scotland are coming together to take part in this year’s Challenge Poverty Week with today's theme focusing on housing.
Energy suppliers and other stakeholders have committed to working together to replace 800,000 Radio Teleswitch (RTS) meters across the United Kingdom before the service is switched off next summer.
Gas distribution network SGN is to provide additional support to the Scottish CAB network to help the charity provide urgent advice on energy bills over the next two years. The decision aims to replicate a similar arrangement, announced two years ago, which has just come to an end.
The latest spike in energy bills takes effect today due to changes to the Ofgem price cap, with a 10% increase for the average household.
Scotland's housing minister has admitted that newly released annual homelessness statistics showing a record-breaking 10,110 children are living in homeless accommodation and an increase in the number of homeless applications as "deeply concerning".
Housing bodies have welcomed the 2024-25 Programme for Government (PfG) for acknowledging the reality of the country’s housing emergency but the Scottish Government has been criticised for failing to make up for delays to funding for new homes. Outlining his first PfG as first minister, John S
National charity Independent Age has allocated £3.1 million in grant funding to help 19 advice-based organisations across the UK reach and support more older people in their local communities.