Councillors have agreed to designate Restalrig as Edinburgh’s 50th conservation area to protect its historical and architectural significance. Approval was given today after a report was considered by the City of Edinburgh Council’s planning committee, following a public consultation in the loca
City Of Edinburgh Council
Sir Bob Geldof addressed the crowd during the event Two of Scotland largest housing providers have committed 475 homes to be allocated to homeless people across the central belt in the wake of the world biggest sleepout, which raised a minimum of £3.6 million to help end homelessness in the country
(from left) Gavin Barrie, housing and economy convenor, City of Edinburgh Council; Helen Kelly, North Sighthill Residents' Association; Kevin Stewart MSP, minister for local government and housing Construction is underway on a £35 million City of Edinburgh Council-led regeneration project at North
Ross Martin, chairman of Link Group Ltd (left) and Kevin Stewart, minister for local government and housing Link Group Ltd’s new affordable housing development at City Park, Edinburgh has been officially opened by the minister for local government and housing, Kevin Stewart.
Neil Gardiner Councillor Neil Gardiner has been appointed as the new convener of the City of Edinburgh Council’s planning committee.
How the homes will look from Ocean Terminal A decision on a major housing-led mixed-use scheme proposed for Leith’s Waterfront Plaza has been deferred by councillors.
A set of proposals which aim to deliver £21 million of savings in the coming financial year have been released for public engagement by the City of Edinburgh Council. Councillors on the finance and resources committee agreed six themes for the 2018/19 budget including increasing income, improving s
Councillor Kate Campbell will chair the new task force A homelessness task force has been created by the City of Edinburgh Council to investigate the growing problem in the city.
City of Edinburgh Council has outlined a detailed plan to deliver the first phase of the capital coalition’s commitment to build 20,000 affordable homes over the next ten years. In January 2016, the Council made a commitment with housing association partners to deliver 16,000 homes over the ne
A partnership between Port of Leith Housing Association and City of Edinburgh Council has delivered a new community of affordable homes in Leith.
The City of Edinburgh Council launched a campaign today to encourage flat owners to work together to keep their properties in good repair as we move towards winter. The council wants to raise awareness of a toolkit produced by its Shared Repairs Service to offer private homeowners help and guidance
An induction day has been held for 22 new apprentices joining the housing service at the City of Edinburgh Council. The opportunity for apprenticeships has been created as the local authority progresses plans to build more homes, invest in existing homes and provide services to reduce tenants’ cos
Craigmillar sites 19 and 20 CCG (Scotland) Ltd is continuing to deliver affordable housing for Edinburgh with a sustained focus in the East of the city where the firm is currently building 111 new affordable homes as part of the first phase of the Craigmillar Town Centre Masterplan on behalf of Dune
Dunedin Canmore managing director Hazel Young, Councillor Gavin Barrie and Dunedin Canmore tenant Mark Keane, officially open the Click & Connect centre A new state-of-the-art digital learning centre providing free internet and computer access has opened at Edinburgh’s Slateford Green Communit
The City of Edinburgh Council has unveiled proposals for a new planning system which aims to increase the number of affordable homes in the Capital. Under the new blueprint, planners will be encouraged to prioritise the use of brownfield sites and work with public sector and private landowners to de