An Edinburgh housing development has received a silver award from The Considerate Constructors Scheme. The Pennywell Living development – which is currently under construction by Urban Union on behalf of the City of Edinburgh Council and 21st Century Homes – received the silver accolade at the a
City Of Edinburgh Council
Barratt Homes has unveiled plans to deliver 96 affordable homes at three housing developments across Edinburgh, which are collectively worth in excess of £10 million. The housebuilder is currently constructing 44 social housing apartments at its flagship Dalmeny Park development in South Queensferr
Ricky Henderson The first official step towards a jointly led health and social care service will take place on Friday when the Edinburgh Integration Joint Board meets for the first time.
Cllr Cammy Day Edinburgh has a smaller proportion of rough sleepers than any other city in Scotland, according to new figures released by the Scottish Government.
An Edinburgh homeless charity has warned that vital services in the city are being closed or cut back because of a reduction in funding from the council. In a briefing document issued to its staff, Streetwork stated that the City of Edinburgh Council has cut about £200,000 of funding from the organ
Housing minister Margaret Burgess with Fortune Place resident Mrs Jean Ross Housing minister Margaret Burgess has visited the first residents at a recently completed development that is set to become a new model of housing for older people.
Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) training programme for young people Training Opportunities in Lothian (TOiL) has secured over £200,000 funding which will allow it to expand its services into East Lothian. The TOiL Programme provides 18 week, paid work experience placements to young, u
Mrs Burgess and Cllr Cammy Day. (Photo credit: Donald MacLeod) The Scottish Government has given the go ahead for 80 new affordable homes in Edinburgh, part of almost 1,000 homes earmarked for sites across the city.
(left to right) Michael Graham, Richard Park and Cllr Cammy Day Construction work has begun on a major project to build Edinburgh’s latest new, fit for purpose care home as part of continued investment in services for older people.
Roy Stirrat Link Group chair (left) and Cllr Cammy Day City of Edinburgh Council housing convenor Link Group Ltd’s new affordable housing development at Shortbread Court, Granton has been officially opened by the City of Edinburgh Council’s housing convener, councillor Cammy Day.
from left to right – Matt Lock, Shelter Scotland Edinburgh hub manager, Fiona King, Shelter Scotland campaigns and public affairs manager, councillor Sandy Howat, deputy leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, councillor Andrew Burns, leader of the City of Edinburgh Council and Adam Lang, head of
The Sailmaker Apartments in Leith, which were built by the City of Edinburgh Council and its partners, have won an esteemed industry award. The development of 145 affordable homes took the title of Best Partnership in Affordable Housing at the prestigious Homes For Scotland Awards 2015.
Cammy Day An innovative pilot scheme has been launched to teach young people in Edinburgh the skills they need to stay off the streets and to find work.
Andrew Kerr Andrew Kerr has been announced as the preferred candidate for the post of chief executive for the City of Edinburgh Council.
The City of Edinburgh Council has agreed that its Local Development Plan should be moved on to be examined by the Reporter appointed by the Scottish Government, before the final plan is agreed. The long-awaited plan allocates land around the city for the next 10 years, and has been driven by Scottis