Residents have been asked to share their views on what the key priorities are for housing in Edinburgh.
City Of Edinburgh Council
The Scottish Government has been urged to "back words with action" and reverse the "hammer-blow" £196 million affordable housebuilding cut after it declared that Scotland was in the midst of a housing emergency. Cabinet secretary for social justice Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP revealed yesterda
The Scottish Government is set to declare a national housing emergency later today. Social justice secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville will use a Holyrood debate this afternoon on Scottish Labour’s motion on the housing crisis to make the announcement.
The City of Edinburgh Council has said it does not expect to approve any new affordable homes for at least the next year after a cut to the Scottish Government’s housing budget left the local authority with £11 million worse off.
Paul Lawrence has been recommended for appointment as the new chief executive of the City of Edinburgh Council. Following a competitive selection process, overseen by a cross-party panel of senior councillors, a final decision will be taken on the appointment at Thursday’s meeting of Full Coun
Community groups in the capital can now apply for up to £5,000 worth of funding as part of the Edinburgh 900 programme.
An interactive tool that lets residents map out the community services and issues they care most about has been launched by the City of Edinburgh Council.
Edinburgh’s new local development plan has received a welcome boost from the Scottish Government.
The City of Edinburgh Council has invited applications for community-focused projects to receive a grant of up to £5,000. The council set up Community Grant Funds in 2007 to kickstart projects that benefit local communities. It is part of the council’s ongoing commitment to empoweri
Step back in time and explore the excavation site with guided tours led by archaeologists at an open day in Edinburgh this Satuday.
A large-scale fire involving a high-rise building in the Bonnington area of Edinburgh has been extinguished. The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) received the call at 4.10am in the early hours of Thursday 14 March following reports of a fire within a flat on Breadalbane Street.
Almost a year since Scotland appointed its first dedicated housing minister, three councils have declared housing emergencies due to mounting pressures in their local housing systems and dozens of others could be set to follow. Now housing bodies across Scotland are making a concerted effort to say
Around 3,700 residents were interviewed face-to-face between July and September 2023, with 94% of the respondents saying they are satisfied with life in Edinburgh.
Councillors in Edinburgh have approved an action plan as they work towards tackling the severe shortage of suitable housing in the capital.
Thirteen projects were awarded grants totalling £52,624 at an awards ceremony for the £eith Chooses programme at Leith Community Centre last week.