A Lord Ordinary has ruled that a decision of the City of Edinburgh Council to designate the whole of the city as a short-term let control area did not have retrospective effect after a challenge was brought by the director of a company that owned properties used for secondary short-term lets and an
City Of Edinburgh Council
The City of Edinburgh Council has published an initial draft of an action plan as it works towards tackling growing homelessness in the capital.
The City of Edinburgh Council has pledged to reduce the number of empty council homes after a new study revealed that almost 7,000 homes in the capital are lying unused.
Ten specialist homes have been handed over to the City of Edinburgh Council to help it address its housing crisis.
Lar Housing Trust has picked up a prestigious national award for an Edinburgh development that caters for people with additional support needs. The charity took top honours in the Partnership of the Year (Development) category in the UK-wide Affordable Housing Awards scheme at a ceremony in Manchest
The City of Edinburgh Council is once again asking tenants to give their feedback on rent proposals and the financial pressures they face.
The creation of a £1.3 billion well-connected, sustainable new coastal town at Granton Waterfront in Edinburgh has reached yet another major milestone.
Housebuilder Cruden is calling on local businesses and SMEs to attend its upcoming ‘meet the buyer’ event later this month for a landmark new housing project, Silverlea, in Edinburgh.
Glasgow-based architecture practice Anderson Bell + Christie has been awarded a CIH Scotland Award in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council for a recently completed housing project at Sighthill.
Councillors in Edinburgh have overwhelmingly voted to recognise and seek to address the scale of the capital's housing crisis.
A new housing development has just opened in Edinburgh for people with additional support needs that is set to transform the lives of its tenants. The development at Ford’s Road in the west end of the city was built by the charity Lar Housing Trust and is being hailed as the perfect example of
A housing emergency is set to be formally declared in Scotland's capital city today with the local authority expected to call for more finance and support from the Scottish Government.
Efforts to tackle poverty in Edinburgh have put more than £20 million into the pockets of residents who need it most, according to a report considered by the Policy and Sustainability Committee yesterday.
Edinburgh’s Family and Household Support Service has prevented at least 350 households from becoming homeless, a council report has revealed. At a meeting of the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee this week, councillors heard how the service is providing a citywide approach to &lsqu
Jimmy Black points out some hard truths on homelessness.