A key strategy has been updated to help people across Edinburgh live well locally in places that are healthier, greener, more vibrant and inclusive. The City of Edinburgh Council's initial 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy was approved by the Policy and Sustainability Committee on 10 June 2021, outli
City Of Edinburgh Council
An application for recall of an arrestment served by the City of Edinburgh Council on the bank account of a man with unpaid council tax has been granted by an Edinburgh sheriff.
The tenants’ union Living Rent Lochend have called on the City of Edinburgh Council to take steps to bring the 1,456 empty properties in the city back into use as quality homes for those who need them.
A pilot project to radically improve residents’ homes in an area with high levels of poverty has been hailed by the housing minister.
The City of Edinburgh Council has decided not to appeal a Court of Session ruling that found its short-term lets (STL) licensing policy to be unlawful.
One of the largest affordable new-build developments in Scotland has been given the seal of approval by housing minister Paul McLennan. The £80 million new-build project at West Craigs in Edinburgh will see 425 new energy-efficient homes built by Wheatley Group.
Barratt Developments has revealed it is on track to deliver 270 new affordable homes across Edinburgh and the Lothians this year. Cammo Meadows in Edinburgh, Leith’s Merchant Quay and St Clair Mews in Roslin, will all benefit from affordable housing this year, with a total of 270 homes earmark
The City of Edinburgh Council has launched a trio of consultations into how the west of the city can be better connected, cleaner and greener.
Almost 1,200 long-term homes are being brought back into use for those fleeing the war in Ukraine through an innovative approach.
Plans by the Home Office to house around 1,000 asylum seekers on a ship in Leith are to be "strongly opposed" by the City of Edinburgh Council. Council leader Councillor Cammy Day said he was shocked to be informed by UK Government officials that MS Victoria is to be repurposed for as
The City of Edinburgh Council has begun budget setting early in an extra effort to futureproof the services which matter most to residents and deliver them more efficiently.
After the City of Edinburgh Council’s licensing scheme for short-term lets operators was deemed unlawful at the Court of Session, our sister publication Scottish Legal News has published the following case report.
The City of Edinburgh Council's licensing scheme for short-term lets operators has been deemed unlawful at the Court of Session.
A consultation has been launched on plans for the £1.3bn connected and sustainable new coastal town at Granton Waterfront in Edinburgh.
West Town Edinburgh Ltd, the development consortium which owns more than 200 acres of prime development land to the west of Edinburgh, has agreed a joint approach with the City of Edinburgh Council to deliver a major new ’20-minute neighbourhood’ for the city.