City Of Edinburgh Council

121-135 of 517 Articles
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Turner & Townsend has been appointed to develop the City of Edinburgh Council’s Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) as the authority presses ahead with plans to decarbonise homes, workplaces, and public buildings.

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The roll-out of 180 secure on-street cycle parking units across Edinburgh, providing space for 1080 bikes, will soon be complete, with plans for a further 200 units, according to the City of Edinburgh Council.

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City of Edinburgh Council housing convenor Councillor Jane Meagher reflects on a constructive week for the Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Committee. Driving forward improvements to tenants’ homes is one of the most important things we need to get right as a Committee – but with high

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Residents and visitors to Craigmillar and Niddrie are being invited to share their views on improving the look and feel of Niddrie Mains Road and its high street, encouraging access to local facilities and greenspaces by active and sustainable travel, and the provision of a new primary school in Gr

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More than 100 new council homes have been approved as part of Edinburgh’s major regeneration of Fountainbridge. Formerly the site of the Fountain Brewery, the huge number of new homes for social rent will feature in a 49,000 square metre redevelopment overlooking the Union Canal.

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Members of the Living Rent tenants' union in Lochend are celebrating a commitment from the City of Edinburgh Council to fund an £18 million-per-year area-based retrofitting programme and empty council homes being put back into use.

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The City of Edinburgh Council has partnered with community councils to ask residents, businesses and other interested groups how they think Seafield could be transformed and regenerated into a vibrant new 20-minute neighbourhood.

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Harbour Homes and Harbour Lettings have welcomed the first tenants to brand new social and mid-market rent homes at Ramage Square in Leith. Harbour Homes is providing 41 social rent properties: 10 one-bedroom, 29 two-bedroom and two three-bedroom flats. There are a further 41 Harbour Lettings mid ma

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Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council Cammy Day visited the Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre (ONC) to promote the Household Hardship Fund (HHF) yesterday. The £2.5 million fund is provided by the National Lottery Community Fund and the Scottish Government and administered by the Corra Foundation

121-135 of 517 Articles