Clackmannanshire Council is to invest more than £14 million in housing in the financial year ahead as councillors approved an increase to the base rent of 10%. The agreement of the housing capital programme taken at yesterday’s council meeting will also see a new rental structure for hou
Clackmannanshire Council
Clackmannanshire residents are being invited to have a say on the range of options being put forward by officers as part of the council’s budget setting process for 2025-26. Clackmannanshire Council, like all councils, is facing further rising costs, reducing budgets and increased demand for s
Clackmannanshire Council has launched an online consultation on the priorities of local services. Like all councils, Clackmannanshire continues to face increasing costs and demand for services, while at the same time, the funding the council receives to run these services is not enough to meet its r
Twenty-four community projects in Clackmannanshire have been awarded a total of £228,097 from the UK Shared Prosperity Communities and Place Capital Grant Fund. This is the second year this funding has been provided by the UK Government and administered by the council.
Clackmannanshire Council has approved its Strategic Housing Investment Plan for 2025-2030. Councillors also noted that the council’s Resource Planning Assumption (RPA) funding from the Scottish Government for 2024/25 is £4.35 million with the expected spend to be in the region of £
Clackmannanshire Council has demonstrated continuous improvement on key areas over the last five years but must now urgently address its financial situation, the local authority watchdog has concluded.
Residents in Clackmannanshire who were evacuated from their homes as a result of unsafe reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) have been provided with an update on the options being considered by the local authority.
Clackmannanshire Council has a clear vision supported by revised priorities, with a streamlined approach to monitoring performance and political and officer leadership that has been effective in setting clear priorities, a report from external auditors has concluded. The Best Value report was presen
A wide-ranging plan to deliver net-zero improvements in energy and heating systems across Stirling and Clackmannanshire has been approved.
Clackmannanshire Council has unanimously agreed spending on services for this year and have placed the needs of residents, communities and businesses at the heart of decision making. At a special meeting of the council last week, a revenue budget of £161.5 million which will be spent on s
More than £18 million will be invested in Clackmannanshire Council's housing in the financial year ahead, following the agreement of the housing capital programme at this week's council meeting. Councillors also agreed a rent rise of 6.7% for homes and garages in 2024/25. The average housing r
Residents are being invited to have a say on the range of options being put forward by officers as part of Clackmannanshire Council’s budget setting process for 2024-25. This year, the council is facing a budget gap of £11.56m which means savings are "unavoidable" and levels of provision
Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) has been discovered in more than 100 council homes in Clackmannanshire following an extensive inspection.
Clackmannanshire Council expects just over £29 million in Scottish Government funding for housing investment over the next four years, according to a new report.
Kieran Findlay is joined by Steve Malone and Johnny Cadell, both principal architects at Architecture & Design Scotland, and Grant Baxter, the planning & building standards team leader at Clackmannanshire Council, to tell the story of a town centre development at Primrose Street in Alloa. To