Cloch Housing Association is launching its Young Clochie Club and delivering goodie bags to all its youngest household members just in time for Christmas.
Cloch Housing Association
An overwhelming 95.5% of Cloch tenants who took part in a ballot have voted to to separate from Oak Tree Housing Association and restore its status as an independent housing association. After a summer long consultation, heavily restricted by the pandemic and subsequent lockdown, Cloch&rsq
Eleven housing association projects have received funding from the Scottish Government’s £1.5 million Homelessness Prevention Fund to support projects that contribute to reducing child poverty and preventing homelessness.
Cloch Housing has appointed The McDougall Group as its new contractor for both its reactive and voids contracts.
From Monday, Cloch Housing Association's phone lines will be fully open during normal working hours and its staff will be immediately available and ready to help with any enquiries.
Cloch Housing Association is delivering 150 activity packs to households with children aged under 5 years as part of a funding package received from the Scottish Government's Supporting Communities Fund. The funding means that Cloch can deliver one activity pack each month for the next three months
Emergency repairs and maintenance contractor Home Fix Scotland (HFS) has moved swiftly to assist Cloch Housing Association after its own contractor unexpectedly announced it was no longer able to provide an emergency repairs service.
Landlords on the Inverclyde Common Housing Register (ICHR) can start to advertise their available properties again as the coronavirus lockdown measures have been eased in Scotland. Due to the pandemic, the ICHR landlords Cloch, Oak Tree, Larkfield, Link and Sanctuary have been unable to carry
Tenants of Cloch Housing Association have been sent a pack with two cookbooks to encourage imagination, fun and nutrition with cheap healthy meals during these strange times.
Cloch Housing Association is to hold a ballot of its tenants to gain support with its bid to separate from parent organisation Oak Tree Housing Association.
After achieving the Customer Service Excellence Award last year, Cloch Housing Association has passed its first annual review and attained Compliance Plus awards for three different aspects of the business; culture, complaints and communication. Compliance plus is a way an organisation can demonstra
A consortium which represents housing associations based in East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire is to host a Meet the Buyer event for its highly successful property investment and maintenance related Framework for 2020 - 2024. The i-Flair consortium published a Prior Information Notice (P
A unique project where customers of Cloch Housing Association can hire electric bikes free of charge was visited by cabinet secretary for transport, infrastructure and connectivity, Michael Mathieson, this week. The Inverclyde Ebike Sharing Project is a collaboration between Community Tracks Invercl
Cloch Housing Association hosted a very successful Recruit Challenge at Port Glasgow Schools Campus.
A new partnership in Inverclyde will see housing support services for tenants at Cloch Housing Association’s Elliott Court sheltered complex provided by River Clyde Homes.