The Criminal Justice Committee has backed the general principles of the Criminal Justice Modernisation and Abusive Domestic Behaviour Reviews (Scotland) Bill at stage one.
Domestic Abuse
CIH Scotland is calling on housing associations and local authorities today to recommit their support for its domestic abuse campaign, Make a Stand. The professional body for people who work in housing is taking the opportunity of its annual conference at the Edinburgh International Conference Centr
The Highland Council's plans for a single provider to deliver domestic abuse services for all genders puts the future provision of support for women, children and young people under threat, a charity has warned.
A new domestic violence resource called ‘Fresh Thoughts’ has been celebrated by registered women’s charity, Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland (SIGBI), at its annual Best Practice Awards.
North Lanarkshire Council is to build on its proactive partnership approach to tackling domestic abuse with the launch of a new Domestic Abuse Digital Directory, enhancing support for victims and survivors across the region.
The Scottish Law Commission has published a discussion paper reviewing the civil remedies available for domestic abuse in Scotland and seeks views on a proposed delict of domestic abuse. Sixty-one per cent of the incidents of domestic abuse recorded in 2022 to 2023 did not involve criminal conduct.
Victims of domestic abuse forced into debt by a partner's coercive control are being helped by a unique Glasgow project.
Housing minister Paul McLennan will today outline measures in the Housing Bill aimed at preventing domestic abuse survivors from becoming homeless. He will tell the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security committee that the legislation, if passed, would require all social land
Harbour Homes has partnered with Edinburgh Women’s Aid to provide emergency accommodation for families experiencing domestic abuse. Since January this year, there has been a 38% increase on the previous year of women seeking help from Edinburgh Women’s Aid due to experiencing domestic ab
Jimmy Black reflects on the domestic abuse provisions in the current Housing (Scotland) Bill, and picks up themes from the latest episode of the SHN podcast which spotlights good practice for landlords.
Kieran Findlay and Jimmy Black continue their look into the new Housing Bill with a look at the duties expected of social landlords regarding domestic abuse. Under the proposed legislation, social landlords will have to provide support to tenants experiencing rent arrears or risk of homelessness due
A young woman presented to Govan Law Centre’s Women’s Rights Project as an emergency referral as she was struggling in B&B interim accommodation provided by Glasgow City Council has been provided with a furnished tenancy. The woman and her partner had been placed in B&B accommoda
Cyrenians has welcomed housing minister Paul McLennan and Daniel Brewer, the CEO of Resonance, to one of the properties recently acquired by the fund, to urge the government to partner with similar social investment initiatives and funds to develop solutions to, and increase the supply of housing f
A blueprint to tackle domestic abuse has been published by the Scottish Conservatives after new statistics revealed that "victims are being left in limbo” when they leave a violent household. The party has launched a new policy paper alongside freedom of information responses showing that
A successful pilot, where evidence is shared and, where possible, agreed prior to a trial diet being assigned, has now been introduced for domestic abuse cases at Scotland’s busiest court - Glasgow Sheriff Court.