Bruce Forbes Angus Housing Association director, Bruce Forbes, has likened some properties in Dundee to slums and claimed many homes will not meet new Scottish Government standards.
Dundee City Council
The creation of 28 new affordable homes in Dundee took a step closer last week when Dundee City Council granted planning permission for Caledonia Housing Association’s £3.5 million development at the former Taybank Works site on Morgan Street. The approved plans for the redevelopment of the derel
Christine Macleod A national inquiry report into how social landlords handle complaints has found that while most landlords have accessible complaints policies and handle complaints well, some could do more to promote their complaints policy, and make better use of feedback.
Eleven more local authorities in Scotland have set their respective budgets for the upcoming year, four of which have opted for a voluntary freeze in Council Tax. Aberdeen City Council set its 2017/18 budget and outlined plans for the next phase of its transformation programme.
Dundee councillors are set to approve plans on Monday to install external wall insulation on 92 properties at a cost of over £642,000. If approved, the insulation will be installed in both council and private properties in the Lawton Road tenements by May.
The UK government’s welfare reform measures are set to cost Dundee’s economy almost £100 million every year by 2021, according to new research. A Scottish Government report, conducted by Sheffield Hallam University in 2013, estimated the impact of welfare reform on the city’s economy annually
New homes are planned on Fintry Drive by Abertay Housing Association A £65 million investment to build hundreds of homes in targeted “priority” areas throughout Dundee is set to get the green light.
Dundee City Council has approved plans to build 163 homes on the site of two former multis in the city’s Hilltown area. The development by Robertson Partnership Homes, on behalf of the council and Hillcrest Housing Association, will see 123 flats and 40 houses built on land where the Bucklemaker a
People living near Dundee landmark Maryfield House could be consulted on the future use of the site. The former nurses’ residence has been declared surplus to requirements by NHS Tayside and now city planners are asking councillors to back a consultation on a blueprint for the location that will e
Dundee City Council is to increase its rents for council homes by 1.25 per cent after tenants backed the plans following an eight week consultation. A report to the city council's neighbourhood services committee on January 23 will recommend the increase, the second lowest rent increase in the histo
Plans to build more than 150 homes on the site of two former Dundee multis have been recommended for approval. Councillors on Dundee City Council’s development management committee will discuss a proposal to build 163 residential units on land where the Bucklemaker and Butterburn Court blocks stoo
James Battye Shelter Scotland has raised concerns that thousands of private landlords may be operating without full knowledge of their legal responsibilities.
Laura Fairlie is a Private Landlord Support Officer, working for Shelter Scotland within Dundee City Council A project which provides support to private landlords in Dundee is having a positive impact in its first year of operation, councillors will hear next week.
John Alexander Tens of millions of pounds worth of new homes are to be built in Dundee in a bid to tackle the city’s housing crisis.
Council tenants in Dundee, including residents at a sheltered housing complex, will see improvements to their homes if councillors accept a series of tenders next week. More than £430,000 worth of work in Charleston, Lawton Road and at Corso Street sheltered lounge will improve roofs, stairs, boile