Dundee councillor John Alexander (left) outside a property which has previously benefitted from the scheme Dundee City Council’s successful external wall insulation programme looks set to receive a boost with additional cash from a number of national sources.
Dundee City Council
John Alexander Dundee City Council’s housing convener has attributed the continuing decline in rough sleeping numbers to the city’s prevention approach to homelessness.
Dundee City Council has outlined plans to invest almost £400 million on infrastructure projects across the city over the next five years. The £387m programme to be undertaken between 2017 and 2022 takes in play areas, schools, the V&A Dundee, well insulated council housing and initiatives desi
John Alexander Council house tenants in Dundee could end up with the second lowest rent increase in the city council’s history if councillors back a consultation on the options next week.
Housing minister Kevin Stewart was in Dundee yesterday to see progress on an affordable housing development in the Hilltown area of the city. Dundee City Council and Hillcrest Housing Association have formed a partnership to build 81 social rented houses on land south/east of Alexander Street where
Plans have been submitted for up to 166 new homes on the site of the former Derby Street multis in Dundee. Brought forward by Collective Architecture and Robertson Partnership Homes, the scheme aims to recreate the street patterns of the Victorian era with the creation of two blocks of accommodation
More than £25 million has been spent on energy efficiency measures in Dundee homes in the past three years with another £3m in the pipeline. The figures are revealed in reports set to go before councillors next week which detail progress towards the city’s drive to provide warm, high quality, af
An innovative new housing development is giving people in Dundee the chance to benefit from life enhancing and money saving features which could become common place in affordable housing in the near future. The 21 innovative homes, which offer free broadband and access to the UK’s first non-profit
More than £10 million of investment could see up to 150 affordable new homes built in Dundee in the next two years. A new report set to go before councillors next week sets out Dundee City Council’s housing investment priorities.
A Broughty Ferry development containing the first homes to be delivered in the Dundee area under the Scottish Government’s National Housing Trust (NHT) initiative has made it through to the final stages of the prestigious Scottish Home Awards. The Sandy Loan development has been selected as a fina
A near £10 million project to provide 81 affordable homes on the site of former multis in Dundee will move forward next week when the local authority discusses tenders for the development. A report to the city council’s neighbourhood services committee on April 25 outlines tenders received for th
(from left) David Smith (SSE Energy Solutions), Colin Caitens (Green Centric), Bill McNeil (Turner FM), Tom Barrett (Alsecco Facades) and Derek Gray (Turner FM) A popular scheme that cuts fuel bills, improves energy efficiency and the local environment has scooped a national award.
Jimmy Black Sheltered housing generally involves a warden call system. If tenants press their buttons when the wardens have gone home, the alarm may go through to the council’s community alarm system. Two systems? Why does there need to be two systems which effectively do the same thing?
(from left) Site manager Bill Anderson, David Zwirlein and John Alexander. Photo Credit: Evening Telegraph Funds available for new build council and housing association houses in Dundee are set to go up by over £4 million in the next financial year, the city council has confirmed.
New figures have revealed that Dundee City Council is owed almost three times the £23m the authority is making in budget cuts this year, as a result of unpaid council tax, parking fines, rents, rates and other income. The council has said it is doing everything in its power to put the total of £67