John Alexander More than £3.5 million of improvement works to council houses across Dundee could be given the go ahead by councillors next week.
Dundee City Council
Dundee City Council, Hillcrest, Abertay and Caledonia housing associations have joined forces to launch of a new housing allocation policy for Dundee. The Common Housing Register will offer improved access and choice for people who want to rent houses form social landlords in the city.
A new partnership has been launched to tackle the problem of empty homes across Dundee and Angus. The project between the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership, Dundee City Council and Angus Council, is set to launch this week to help bring some of the region’s long-term privately owned empty homes bac
Ken Lynn A housing support service for adults with a learning disability in Dundee has been given top marks after a recent inspection by a care watchdog.
Dundee City Council has announced that 200 posts will go as part of plans to save £25 million across the next two years. Confirming the job losses yesterday, finance spokesman Willie Sawers said they would be cut through voluntary redundancies and retirals. He assured staff there would be no compul
Dundee City Council’s sheltered housing warden’s service has been commended by national inspectors. The service was graded at the second highest level of five (very good) in all three categories inspected.
Tenants in Dundee have backed one per cent increase in council house rents, the lowest rent rise in the history of Dundee City Council. A report to the city council's housing committee on January 25 proposes the increase that will help to ensure £6 million of investment in new council houses and £
John Alexander A new report has identified one hundred sites across Dundee that could play host to thousands of new homes.
Residents, businesses and landowners in Dundee will soon get the chance to have their say on the shape of future development in the city. A seven week consultation on the Main Issues Report, a key planning document that will help shape the next Dundee Local Development Plan, launches today.
Dundee City Council will have to make cuts of £23 million over the next financial year, the local authority has revealed. Previously, council chiefs had said that they would need to find £28m worth of savings spread over 2016/17 and 2017/18, however, the authority is now saying that £23m of cuts
Up to 120 new homes on the site of former multi storey blocks in Dundee could come a step closer next week. Councillors will be asked to approve a contract under the Scape Framework that will sub contract the redevelopment at Derby Street to Robertson Group.
More than £2 million could be available to tenants in Dundee in the next financial year to offset reductions in their housing benefit caused by the ‘bedroom tax’. A Dundee City Council contribution of £150,000 and an updated policy on Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) will be discussed by
Mike Galloway Dundee’s director of city planning has rejected calls for an affordable housing requirement to be introduced into future developments because “there is demand but not need” for more affordable housing in the city.
Jimmy Black The reality of not knowing where your next meal is coming from and the stark choice between eating and heating will be put under the spotlight by the Dundee Fairness Commission next week.
Plans for the second phase of Dundee’s Western Gateway housing development have been recommended for approval. Dundee City Council will discuss the application for 100 further houses at Dykes of Gray Road next week. The proposal includes plans for a village green, landscaping and infrastructure wo