Monday afternoons at 2pm are proving to be a special time for the 3 and 4-year-old children at First Nursery in Peebles. Their routine for the last few months has been to don their hats and coats, and head across with their teachers in a crocodile formation to visit the tenants at Eildon-owned Dovec
Eildon Housing Association
(from left) Scottish Borders Council leader, Councillor David Parker; executive member for social work and housing, Councillor Frances Renton, and Nile Istephan, chief executive of Eildon Housing Association at the former Earlston High School site which is proposed to be handed over to Eildon for af
(from left) Back row: Alastair Dee, Colin Macdonald, Gill Henry, Kevin Scott, Nile Istephan. Front row: Cathie Fancy, Kevin Stewart, Councillor Mark Rowley Kevin Stewart, minister for local government and housing, has offered his support to an innovative partnership agreement between Eildon Housing
(from left) Back row: Sally Spence, Amanda Miller, Susan Turner, Tammy Connolly, Karen McDade, Cathie Brown, Willie Frew, Irene Wielbo.Front row: Lauren Upton, Carol Robertson, Hilary Scott, Claire Wilson (absent from photo) Twelve of Eildon Housing Association’s staff members are volunteering to
Eildon Group’s Sheltered Services and Very Sheltered Services have maintained their ‘five star’ ratings following a report by the Care Inspectorate. The developments at Frank Scott Court and Teviot Court in Hawick, Oakwood Park in Galashiels, Millar House in Melrose, and Riverside House in Pee
The first step in a £40 million partnership programme to create 150 new extra care housing properties in the Borders has been taken. Plans for 39 new flats have been submitted by Eildon Housing Association on the site of a former warehouse at Glenfield Industrial Estate in Galashiels.
The tenants of Eildon Housing’s Riverside House development in Peebles were visited by some unusual and extra-special guests this week – two miniature Shetland ponies called Wilson and Eduardo from Therapy Ponies Scotland. The ponies, accompanied by their owners John and Elaine Sangster, had tra
Chairman Trevor Burrows The Eildon Group held its 44th Annual General Meeting last week to update its members on its activities and progress against record breaking growth targets.
(from left) Nile Istephan CEO Eildon HA, Angela Cox Principal of Borders College, Fiona Kimber Eildon HR officer, Deborah Taggart Eildon HR manager, Fraser Wight Head of ISLT , Borders College Eildon Housing Association is working in collaboration with Borders College to introduce a new online Learn
Fresh Start Borders was set up in 2009, with support from Scottish Churches Housing Action, whose administrator Lauren Forbes reports on a visit to the charity last month to see how things were going. “Thank you very much – tears in my eyes!”
Mitie contractors Jock Marshall (foreman in blue viz jacket) with his team, and Eildon staff Ronnie Dumma (development manager), John Duncan (director of property assets) and Eildon housing officer Susan Turner Construction company Mitie completed a contract last week which saw the firm modernise Ei
Eildon Housing has submitted plans for 34 new flats on a brownfield site in central Galashiels. The social landlord wants to erect a four-and-a-half storey block on a former caravan storage yard on Huddersfield Street, currently zoned for industrial or retail use by Scottish Borders Council, the Bor
(from left) Eildon staff Ainsley Casson, Emma Harris, Linda Dunlop, Jack Evans (Poverty Alliance), Nile Istephan (CEO), Deborah Taggart, Fiona Kimber, Marnie McVitie Eildon Housing Association has increased its hourly rate of pay in line with the Living Wage Foundation’s recommended new rate.
Kevin Scarlett Eighteen housing associations in Scotland - including the Haymarket Group of associations - have agreed to take part in a sector scorecard pilot to benchmark a range of business health and efficiency measures.
Kingdom Housing Association chief executive, Bill Banks (left) with housing minister Kevin Stewart Affordable housing in Shetland, Borders and Fife has received a boost of £16 million this month thanks to Scottish Government investment in charitable bonds.