Clive Feeney (director of SPA), Julie Williams (community benefit officer at Wheatley Group), Mark Beaumont (Cyclist and SPA Awards host) More than 200 representatives from the Scottish public sector gathered to celebrate procurement excellence within the housing sector at the first ever Scottish Pr
Eildon Housing Association
Nile Istephan Nile Istephan and Ewan Aitken are among a group of experts from the private and third sectors to have been appointed to a Regional Enterprise Council (REC) by the Edinburgh and South-East Scotland City Region Deal.
Eildon Housing Association has been awarded up to £1.8 million to enable the development of 39 extra care homes in Galashiels after its projected bill was increased by the discovery of asbestos on the site. Eildon Housing is currently seeking planning consent for the new development at Langhaugh, h
(from left) Kevin Scott, Eildon Housing Association; Gill Henry, Hart Builders; Alison Lowrie, community benefits project officer; presenter Mark Beaumont and David Robinson Eildon Housing Association Eildon Housing Association in partnership with Hart Builders have been recognised at the first ever
Hart Builders is inviting potential partners to a special ‘Meet the Buyer’ event at Borders College next week as it embarks on a programme to deliver around 500 new homes with Eildon Housing Association and Berwickshire Housing Association. To help to deliver these new homes, the Cruden Group me
New chairman Dave Alexander shaking hands with departing chairman Trevor Burrows The chairman of Eildon Housing Association has stepped down at its 45th AGM after four years at the helm of the association.
Following a string of success and recognition, the Eildon Group was delighted to be Highly Commended in the Housing Association of the Year category at the recent Scottish Home Awards.
(from left) Clare Ford, CEO of Quality Scotland, Deborah Taggart, Eildon’s HR manager, Jim Sanderson, Eildon’s business and performance manager & David Tanner, award ceremony host The Eildon Group has received the prestigious recognition of being given four stars through the European Foundat
Eildon Housing Association has celebrated its nomination in two categories at the Scottish Home Awards, sponsored by Ross & Liddell.
Eildon chairman Trevor Burrows (left) joins Councillor Rowley to cut the ribbon Councillor Mark Rowley, Scottish Border Council’s executive member for business and economic development, cut the ribbon to mark the official opening of Eildon Housing Association’s latest development at Roxburgh and
Eildon Group has welcomed news that it has made the shortlist in the Affordable Housing Development of the Year category at the Homes for Scotland Awards 2018 for its latest completed development at Roxburgh Street & Union Street in Kelso. The new development comprising of 18 flats was built by
Tim Jones More than a quarter of a billion pounds has been raised by independent not-for-profit Allia to help tackle global and local issues such as unemployment, social exclusion and affordable housing – with half that sum (£125 million) being issued in 2017 alone.
A total of 41 homes in Galashiels and Innerleithen are to be sold to Eildon Housing to ensure they remain available for affordable rent. The 21 houses and flats at Chris Paterson Place in Galashiels, and 20 flats at James Hogg Court in Innerleithen were developed by Tweed Property Leasing and acquir
Sally Spence with Tammy Connolly joined fellow fundraisers Amanda Miller, Susan Turner, Karen McDade, Cathie Brown, Willie Frew, Irene Wielbo, Lauren Upton, Carol Robertson, Hilary Scott and Claire Wilson Twelve of Eildon’s housing staff volunteered to sleep rough in Edinburgh’s Princes Street G
Scottish Borders Council and Waverley Housing are launching a joint ‘masterplanning’ project in Upper Langlee in Galashiels this month. Particularly focusing on Beech Avenue, Hawthorn Road, Larch Grove and Laurel Grove, the aim of the project is to guide the preparation of a comprehensive and fu