George Clarke Nominations are being sought across Scotland to find the country’s empty homes champions.
Empty Homes
Owners of empty homes in West Dunbartonshire could be eligible for refunds after councillors approved backdated changes to Council Tax charges. In April 2014, West Dunbartonshire Council was keen to get local empty homes back into use and introduced a policy which meant owners of empty homes could b
The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership recently released its annual report for the financial year just passed. There are a few headlines form the report that we are particularly excited about, writes Kristen Hubert at Shelter Scotland. These are all great successes that show improvements on where we w
Shelter Scotland's Graeme Brown helps launch the national empty homes helpline The number of private empty homes brought back into use in Scotland last year has an estimated market value of around £93 million, according to the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP).
Margaret Burgess A new fund has been launched which aims to create additional residential accommodation in Scotland’s urban and rural towns.
Pictured: Kristen Hubert of the Empty Homes Partnership and Shelter Scotland's Graeme Brown launch the national empty homes helpline The Scottish Empty Homes Partnership has appealed to members of the public to report empty homes in their communities using a free national helpline.
Mr Adam with Councillor Judy Hamilton and Joanne Saurin, empty homes officer Fife Council has approved the first successful loan from the ‘Empty Homes Loan Scheme’, a scheme available to owners of long-term empty homes with properties that require extensive repairs to bring them up to a lettable