New government figures have revealed a net loss of 7,723 social homes in England last year, as sales and demolitions continue to surpass the number of homes built.
The Labour Party plans to allow renters in England to bid "voluntarily" above let prices on properties. Experts warn this could undermine efforts to prevent bidding wars contributing to ever-increasing rental prices.
An English housing association has been rapped by the Housing Ombudsman over failings in handling a resident’s complaint about damp and mould caused by rotten window frames and her request for compensation due to damaged belongings. The woman, a tenant of Onward Homes in Manchester, had been r
A total of 360 housebuilders went bust last year, reaching record new highs, as smaller firms struggled to cope with rising costs and backlogs in the planning system.
Nearly half of landlords and letting agents in England and Wales claim they are more likely to remove some or all of their investment in the private rented sector because of UK government plans to end "no explanation" repossessions.
Renters in England and Wales would have saved £1.8 billion in rent over the past two decades if the UK Government had invested in social housing, according to new research. The Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned Cambridge Economics to assess the implications if 100,000 government-
George Osborne The UK government's commitment to 1 per cent annual rent reductions in the social rented sector will negatively affect affordable housebuilding, according to independent analysis.
Gavin Smart, CIH deputy chief executive Some parts of England will become "off-limits for larger families" when the overall benefit cap is lowered, the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has said.